Explore the best night clubs in San Diego and find yourself a spot in the hottest dance floor | Daily Music Roll

Explore the best night clubs in San Diego and find yourself a spot in the hottest dance floor


After touring through the city for the rest of the day, the place where one needs to be after the dark is the buzzing night clubs that can turn around anyone’s day. San Diego is packed with a list of bumping night clubs that keep the happy hours rolling round the clock. From exotic cocktails to dancing floors filled with soaking in the perfect vibe of the place, San Diego has night clubs of every range, according to your preference. Here is a list of some of the very best that features the best DJs and the hottest crowd.

Jimmy Love’s:

This place covers all the facets with a DJ engaging the crowd downstairs and a live band upstairs. JL is perfect for that group that prefers diverse tastes or for that couple who like to play with multiple personalities. From amazing drinks to lip-smacking food from the bar, this place serves it all. To avoid hustling between the two floors, there are moderate lines for assistance.


Being one of the premier night clubs in San Diego, this place can charm the visitors almost every night mainly for the crowd it entertains. If you’re someone who’s looking out to hit the dance floor and dance the night off, then you won’t get fascinated with its cover, but Stingaree’s rooftop lounge is incredible. It is perfect to give your sweat glands a break.

Johnny V:

A bar on the Pacific Beach with lucrative food and drink prices, Johnny V certainly hydrates the party lover in you. This place hosts San Diego’s rowdy scene. The good part is that you do not need to get stuck in distressing lines or stand neck to neck with others on an overpopulated dance floor, but you can look around for some charming patrons.



This vintage touched bohemian apartment serves pizza by daylight and transforms into a chic warehouse by night. On some evening, Basic entertains some local artists to showcase their wares and o other days; DJ’s playing the latest hooks. If you’re lucky enough, then by the end of the night you can accompany a lady home, if not get yourself a painting of one.


A treat for the jazz lovers, this place has been named in honor of the late Jim Groce which hosts live music every night. For those who want to enjoy its charm on the daylight, they can indulge in the weekend brunch sets. Those who are trying to impress their lady love must book their dinner and live music packages.


This high-end mega-club is definitely one of the best clubs in San Diego that started marching towards the top, from the very first day of its opening. With an interior that leaves you at awe, it features a design that keeps changing. Guests who want to experience the best evening of their life must drop in here, and to their surprise, the theme keeps changing often during their stay. If the playful vibe of this place doesn’t hit you, then the music by the in-house DJs is sure to turn around the table. Don’t forget to show up in proper attire or prepare your seat at home.