The talented Rico Sixx shares his thoughts on music-making and his work | Daily Music Roll

The talented Rico Sixx shares his thoughts on music-making and his work

Rico Sixx has made a grand entrance to the music industry with his amazing tracks. His work has earned him initial success and he is all set to make it big here.


The up and coming artist from Brazil, Rico Sixx brings in a breath of fresh air into the musical scene of hip hop. With YouTube tracks like ‘CRAZY’, ‘FUCK 12’, and Throw It Back’, the artist has already shown his artistic character and musicianship to the audience. Each of his creations is uniquely intriguing and satisfyingly groovy. The sense of artistic greatness that he has introduced to the setting here, is simply worth experiencing.

Be it the creative songwriting, heartfelt performances, or the authentic sound design – each element of his tracks intentionally leave a long-lasting impression on the audience that is pretty much irresistible. His charming artistry and creative knowledge have always been his greatest assets, which have made everyone drool over his musical work.

With each new release of his, he has showcased a new fragment of his versatility – no matter what the premise is, Rico Sixx has always managed to shine among the rest. His work speaks on behalf of his artistic brilliance and professionalism. Find him on YouTube to witness these awesome tracks.

Hey Rico Sixx – first of all congratulations on the success of your previous releases; fans are thrilled to witness your rise into the music scene.

Daily Music Roll: For those who don’t know much about you – when and how did your journey as a music artist begin?

Rico Sixx: So for those that don’t know me my name is Rico Sixx, my music journey came from a really weird place actually so walking around the city in New York I always got stopped by people because of my “look” they either thought I was a rockstar or a goth kid and eventually when they SoundCloud era became a thing I used to get asked all the time if I was a Soundcloud rapper, all my life I never wanted to be a rapper but here I am I don’t consider myself a rapper till this day because I fit more as an artist I do a little of everything. But I got tired of people saying this to me, it was last year I crashed my car on purpose to get an insurance check because I wanted to get off the streets and stop selling drugs so I built a studio in my ex-girlfriend’s attic from there I didn’t understand a thing about music at all I had some friends that made music and I would link up with them on weekends and just watch I didn’t really ask too much. Then when I bought my own set up I started watching YouTube and gaining more experience. I met a kid named Luke at a studio U was recording at and he offered me to come to the studio to make records for free with him giving me an opportunity Ever since that first day we made that record we haven’t stopped working he is legit my backbone to my music he makes everything sound amazing! So big shout out to Luke @Thxluke on Instagram.

DMR: How would you describe your approach towards music-making and recording?

Rico Sixx: This is a very hard question because my engineer could probably tell you this a little better, but I would say my approach is just good vibes I wake up now and I think about music the instant I hear a good beat or a good song I catch the inspiration to work. I can work all day long in the studio or on music I don’t write anything down because I was super influenced and still am by Juice Wrld, Rest In Peace and watching his freestyles just showed me he was so in the moment and in the now it always made me want to try to apply that. So when I get in the studio I play the beat and I start playing around until I find something I really like for melody wise and then I structure the song around it like that. Luke plays a big part in structuring. Couldn’t thank him more. The recording has changed my life it becomes a daily thing for me I love it.

DMR: Who or what has inspired you the most in becoming a music artist?

Rico Sixx: I wouldn’t say people have inspired me to be an artist, I just thought I would try it because everyone always thought I was an artist still till this day when I walk around people think I’m a superstar haha. It’s pretty overwhelming sometimes but I love it. I get compared to a lot of people they say oh you look like this dude you kinda look like that dude doesn’t bother me at all though. I do have inspirations in music My top four have passed away though Juice, Peep, XXX, Mac but I live through them I listen to there music daily and a lot of times I get upset knowing that I didn’t meet any of them! Te night Peep played a show in my city I couldn’t go I had something to do I woke up and he was dead, hit me super hard. Rest In Peace to these Legends

DMR: Given that you are still new to the music industry – how does it feel to be a part of this industry?

Rico Sixx: This is a good question so more and more I gain knowledge about this Industry and it’s like a little game! It’s crazy I was on tour for a little with a homie named Nycl Kai and I got to learn a lot about people that are in the industry and they act so out of characters a lot of the times its weird. I don’t want fame or money to ever change me I love everyone and never want to treat someone different because I’ve made it. There is the artist that I have come across that are true to them selfs for sure. Shout Out, Nascar Aloe! And a homie that just got signed that’s on his team ApolloIsLame that dude is sick as fuck, he showed me how to get EBT in LA. Being apart of this is gonna be amazing because I want to make a change in that industry feel, I want all my fans to be able to always contact me! The industry itself is a weird industry but I also have a view of all industries that are weird like imagine the food industry or like horse riding industry like something random but they could all be weird when FAME is involved.

DMR: You have released some great tracks in recent times – so how do they represent your sound or how they are different from others?

Rico Sixx: I just put a whole tape out called Desire, I feel like I try to cover a lot of ground with it with my screaming and melodic side of me The sound I would say is different from people because I try to cover everything. I also schema in sing which isn’t seen a lot. Like X did it and that’s where I picked up from. I have my punk side but I also have my soft side that I like to Chanel too. I would say I’m different from people because I’m not out here rapping about my designer, I kinda just make music about what’s on my head at the time and present. I respect everyone’s grind so I try not to compare myself. I just try to make a little bit of everything, I want to start making more live music like Jazz or Blues and things like that! I’m super excited about making more music and trying to tap in with all sides of the music

DMR: How do you get ready or prepare yourself before recording a track or performing?

Rico Sixx: So right before I go on stage I get a rush of negative thoughts usually I get super nervous! And antsy. I try to give my self-affirmations a lot when this is happening just to remember that I am a human and it’s okay to feel these things it’s random it usually depends on the day I’m having. But usually, when I find out I am going to do a show I am off the walls. I love being on stage I feel like its the only time I can really just do what I want and act like a fool and everyone gets to watch I love connecting with proper while I’m on stage like making them interact with what I am saying. Crowd control they call it I love that shows me people are listening! I love moshing too or stage diving its what I live for! I love it when people come on the stage with me and fly off! For recording its tuff because if I’m having an off day it could interrupt me for a couple of hours but I just play some good tunes and I’m back. Sometimes a cig helps but I’m trying to quit.

DMR: Can the fans expect to see you performing live?

Rico Sixx: Yes waiting for corona to not be a thing so I can get back on a stage. I can’t wait anymore!! Fuck Corona

DMR: If given a chance, with which contemporary artist would you like to collaborate?

Rico Sixx: Secret! They will see when it happens!!!

DMR: What is your greatest goal as a musician?

Rico Sixx: To make sure my family is taken care of. Moms in a big house and my kids happy!

DMR: Are you currently working on any other musical project?

Rico Sixx: Just wrapped up this month you can be expecting something next month! Don’t want to spoil anything but I have a lot of stuff coming! “BEAUTIFUL STRUUGLE” which is an Acoustic EP is gonna drop as well I’ve leaked some previews on Instagram for that project. Stay Tuned

DMR: What do you want the audiences to take away from your tracks?

Rico Sixx: Expression, Freedom, Happiness. Joy. Even if they feel negative emotions I just want whoever is listening to my music is to feel what I’ve been thru and feel my energy I hope they can connect and really jut find themselves within my music. My fuck it attitude makes them just wanna say the same and find themselves because I have found me and I love it thru music. It’s okay to be yourself, SMILE YOUR BEAUTIFUL A whereND AMZAING

DMR: Is there anything else that the fans should know?

Rico Sixx: That I appreciate everyone that has been tuning in and supporting since day one! I love y’all and can’t wait to give y’all new content.

Shout out ThxLuke, BelieveinAngelz, Majah, BOBO, Coshmadeit, Tuchi, My mom, Dimas, Stella, and her parents! all the ones that stayed by my side thru these ups and downs and this journey for real