Harry Styles Gave Deep Thoughts to the Song 'As It Was' | Daily Music Roll

Harry Styles Gave Deep Thoughts to the Song ‘As It Was’

Author : Alicia Parker

With the melancholic presentation of ‘As It Was’, Harry Styles gave a unique presentation. The intense lyrics have given a lot of clarifications about his life.

Harry Styles has introduced his latest album ‘Harry’s House’ with the song ‘As It Was’. With the first song of the album, Harry has gotten a huge response from all the audiences. It took a while for everyone to understand the mind-blowing video. The turntable scene has literally made them go in circles. The ecstatic piece of music has gone viral on the internet and created a sensation among everyone.

Till now, this video has gotten 195 million views on YouTube, which is huge. It is the different way of presentation that has intrigued the audiences. Harry Styles never disappoints his listeners and always come up with different kind of things. It has clearly broken all the records in the industry.

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This album ‘Harry’s House’ has also become the number 1 album on the UK album chart. This enigmatic piece of creation has stunned everyone. The upbeat music of the song has attracted the listeners and made them hooked to the song. He has said to the media, that ‘I’d say I try and write from personal experience for I’d say almost everything’. He also added by saying ‘I think over the last couple years and stuff, you know with the forced pause that happened for a long time for all of us, I think I had a lot of time to think about and work out who I was away from music and get a little more comfortable with it. I think that allowed me to make this album from a very liberated place’.

In another interview, he said ‘The song is about metamorphosis, embracing change and former self, perspective shift and all that kind of stuff. It just felt like the thing I wanted to say, the thing I wanted to be doing and the kind of music I wanted to make coming back’.

He has tried out various things with his creations. for example, his previous song ‘watermelon sugar’ has caused a huge number of Twitter followers deduction for showcasing something different than usual, and it is coming to know that ‘as it was’ is like a confessional in a melodic manner. Along with that, it is a portrait of his conflicting feelings around the stardom he has amassed.

He has talked about the facts like mental health issues, challenges, and also romance. With this aspiring video, the artist has maintained his creativity and once again showcased it in the music industry. Along with that, his movements throughout the video have stunned everyone.

He has faced a lot of hard times in his life, which is why he said ‘There was a time when I was younger, and I was in [One Direction], when I would have been afraid for everything to have stopped’. He also added ‘I didn’t necessarily know who I was if I wasn’t in the band. Now, the idea of people going, ‘We don’t like your music any more, go away’ doesn’t scare me. I think there was a time when it did. It gives me the freedom to kind of go, ‘Great!’ I’m not working from a place of fear. I’m working from a place of wanting to work stuff out, and try different things’.

All the fans of him thought, that the song has references of his girlfriend Olivia Wilde, but Harry has made sure that it is not related to anything like that. Another thing about this video the fans assumed that the 5-year-old girl is one of his girlfriend’s children. On this matter, Harry said that she is his goddaughter, who is 5 years old and her name is Ruby Winston.

Also Read: https://www.dailymusicroll.com/latest-news/music-artist-harry-styles-has-achieved-a-tremendous-feet-with-his-new-album-harrys-house.html

He has said ‘She used to try and call me before bedtime every night, and one time it didn’t ring or something, so they sent me that… I dug it out when we were in the studio and put it in front of the song for some reason, and I kind of just fell in love with it, so it stuck’.

Harry has given deep thought to this soundtrack. if we join all the pieces together then the meaning of the song can be interpreted. Throughout the song, he has tried to convey how feels, he senses being held back or rooted in one place. He expressed his feeling in the first verse of the song, by singing ‘She used to try and call me before bedtime every night, and one time it didn’t ring or something, so they sent me that… I dug it out when we were in the studio and put it in front of the song for some reason, and I kind of just fell in love with it, so it stuck’.

Along with that, he has shared his experience of his lowest moments, loneliness, feeling detached the human connections by saying ‘Answer the phone/ ‘Harry, you’re no good alone/ Why are you sitting at home on the floor?/ What kind of pills are you on?’/ Ringin’ the bell/ And nobody’s coming to help/ Your daddy lives by himself/ He just wants to know that you’re well’.

harry styles

He has clarified a lot of things about his own life through this one song. With his way of presentation, he made sure that the listeners are also relating to the facts. The opulent soundtrack has helped him to talk about various things throughout this. With this song, he has tried to give an insight into his life and taken an initiative to portray a few things about his life through the lines ‘Go home, get ahead, light-speed internet/ I don’t wanna talk about the way that it was/ Leave America, two kids follow her/ I don’t wanna talk about who’s doin’ it first’.

In this piece of work, Harry has given all out of himself and presented it in front of everyone. The sonic sound of it has reflected his side of the story beautifully. With this sound design, Harry has shown his maturity in songwriting and catering the magnificent song. He hasn’t hidden anything about his life, whether it is the loneliness in lockdown or the ups and downs of personal relationships. The sheer presentation has given the audience a different perspective about him.

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