Indian Artist Subhi Is Collaborating With DJ Khaled and Cardi B for 'Higher Love' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Indian Artist Subhi Is Collaborating With DJ Khaled and Cardi B for ‘Higher Love’

Indian singer Subhi is all set to collaborate with the Hollywood icons DJ Khaled and Cardi B. She is associating for the ‘Smurfs’ soundtrack, ‘Higher Love’.
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DJ Khaled and Cardi B are collaborating with the Indian singer Subhi for the song ‘Higher Love’, which will be featured in the ‘Smurfs’ movie. Hollywood music makers wanted to add a touch of Indian music to the track, so they associated the Punjabi singer with this project. As of now, it is coming to know that in the song, she will sing in Punjabi language, and that is making the project even more exciting.

While talking about this exciting project, Subhi said, ‘Smurfs is a project that brings a lot of joy, so it’s beautiful to be associated with something which is spreading love and a good message’. She has also added that working with Khaled and Cardi B is a ‘huge achievement’ for her as a music artist. She has even added, ‘I’m the first South Asian artiste to have a Punjabi song and sing in Punjabi language in a Hollywood animated movie. This itself was like creating history, and it adds credibility. The fact that you’re also being associated with such big mainstream names is cherry on the cake. It just makes me feel that all these years of hard work is finally paying off now’.

Over the past few years, the Punjabi music industry has evolved a lot, and the prominent artists have taken it internationally. While talking about this, she stated ‘I’m 100% Punjabi. My dad comes from Delhi and mum is from Amritsar and it’s like coming home. It’s like a full circle. It’s a very proud moment for me and my family that I’ve stayed true to my roots. I’m glad I’m able to really be the original me in what I’m doing’.

She concluded her statement by saying ‘I am eager to collaborate with Indian artistes like AR Rahman and Gulzar. I hope it happens someday soon. My vibe will always be earthy and very India South Asian focused, but collaborations might be with different artistes. I’ll still be staying true to who I am’. This music collaboration is not only special for Subhi, but every Indian music enthusiast is quite excited about this. Everyone is eagerly waiting to listen to the track and witness the musical magic.

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