9 Unknown Facts About the Great Royal Albert Hall | Daily Music Roll

9 Unknown Facts About the Great Royal Albert Hall

Author : Charles Edward

Royal Albert Hall is one of the most iconic buildings in London that is still standing. Here are 9 unknown facts about the hall that will amaze everyone.

Royal Albert Hall, established in 1871 in London is one of the most renowned halls that still exist. Albert, the Prince Consort was hugely fond of the arts. He wanted to establish a public venue that is more permanent than Crystal Palace. The hall was being made but the Prince Consort died in 1961 after that Queen Victoria continued the making of the hall and named it after him, which is now known as Royal Albert Hall. The hall is standing tall even after 151 years and regularly hosting various performances as well as BBC’s Proms series. It is still one of the most exciting performance venues all around the world. And not only that, but it is the most iconic building in London. There are a lot of unknown facts about this great Royal Albert Hall. Here are 9 facts of them are-

Great Royal Albert Hall

9.The hall is ever busy:

The Royal Albert Hall is always busy. It is being used throughout the year. Various kinds of programs take place in this hall. Some of the activities are concerts, sporting events, ballet performances, film screenings, award ceremonies, charity events, and banquets. So, there is always something that is happening in the hall.

8.The prom:

The prom, sponsored by the British Broadcasting Corporation is an eight-week long program that takes place in the summer season. During this time, a classical orchestra music program and other events are held. The prom is happening since 1941 in central London. After establishing the hall, the prom is being hosted in the hall and still continuing.

Great Royal Albert Hall

7.There is a message written on the roof:

On the roof of the Royal Albert Hall, there is a message written. At the top of the mosaic, there is a narrow white border that says, ‘This Hall was erected for the advancement of the Arts & Sciences and works of industry of all nations in fulfilment of the intention of Albert Prince Consort. The site was purchased with the proceeds of the Great Exhibition of the year MDCCCLI. The first stone of the Hall was laid by Her Majesty Queen Victoria on the twentieth day of May MDCCCLXVII and it was opened by Her Majesty the twenty-ninth of March in the year MDCCCLXXI. Thine O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine. The wise and their works are in the hand of God. Glory be to God on high and on Earth peace’.

It is a very unique trait of the hall, which is really rare to see.

6.Used in the world wars as a landmark:

The Royal Albert Hall was used as a landmark during both world wars. Pilots used to use it for recognizing their target and bombing the capital. The eye-catching roof of it was a big benefit for them. That is why later on, the roof of the hall was painted black. In the period of the world wars, the hall was damaged several times due to bombs. Some parts of the glass and terracotta blocks were damaged but the hall was never fallen. It is also said that its unique shape of it has helped it to survive the world wars.

Great Royal Albert Hall

5.The Royal Albert Hall’s glass dome broke world records:

The Royal Albert Hall is covered with a huge glass dome that makes the hall even more special. It is spanning over 20000 square feet. This glass dome is made by the same team members, who have made the glass roof of the St. Pancras station. The glass dome is a signature part of the hall that gives such an elegant look. It is the largest glass dome without any support that still exists. Before making this, the idea was tested in Ardwick and after seeing the success this glass dome was created in the Royal Albert Hall.

4.Attendance figures:

Currently, in the hall maximum of 5400 people can seat. It is one of the most proficient halls of all time that still standing. When it was first built, then a total of 8000 seats were available. For the safety requirements, the number of seating has been decreased. It is the largest hall in England that has witnessed and hosted the biggest shows.

Great Royal Albert Hall

3.Celebrated 150 years of the hall:

The Royal Albert Hall is one of the most iconic and oldest buildings in London that holds massive performances for a long time. It is a massive space where the biggest entertainment of the British took place. The hall was completely built and opened in 1871 and in 2021 it celebrated its 150th birthday of the hall. The celebration was also a part of a project, named The Great Excavation that is working on the renovation for keeping the iconic structures in better way.

2.Shows hosted in the hall:

In the first year, the Royal Albert Hall hosted just 36 shows. Back in that time, many shows didn’t take place but slowly the number increased. The growth of shows was phenomenal and now the hall hosts approximately 400 shows in a year. It is more than ten times comparatively from the first year. With time, everything has only increased and the hall has become more proficient only.

Great Royal Albert Hall


Albertopolis was a dream construction project of Prince Albert and Royal Albert Hall in one of them. The prince established several structures in Kensington, Westminster, and Chelsea. Natural History Museum, Imperial College London, the Royal College of Music, the Royal College of Art, the Science Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Royal Navigation Museum are part of his project, Albertopolis.

Here are the 9 unknown facts about the great Royal Albert Hall. The hall is still going strong with its legacy.

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