A Scientific Approach to How Music Affect Brain Activity and Overall Productivity | Daily Music Roll

A Scientific Approach to How Music Affect Brain Activity and Overall Productivity

Music plays an important role in defining a person’s psychology. The blog is an in-depth, scientific approach towards music’s role in affecting brain activities.

The Science of Music and Our Brains

We often feel restless, especially in a work set-up. It seems as if we function properly. But dig deep and you will find how our surroundings impact our psychology. Lack of motivation is predominant in most urban individuals. This leads to trying out new methods to maintain our concentration and attention. These simple techniques of restoring inspiration on a regular basis include:

  • Working offline

  • Adapting to the Pomodoro method

  • Taking short walks

  • Watching a mood-lifting video

These may include various methods. But in the end, you will notice no major changes. There is no significant change in productivity. You need to come up with a solution. People who resort to music instantly feels fresh, motivated, and focused. They are more likely to get their jobs done without any distractions. When you cannot find anything that is helping you with your motivation, go for some music. It is a tried and tested way of making a person productive. When you see nothing helps you with your concentration, the right kind of music is always present to uplift our moods and energize us. However, this is the effect that we experience in our behavior and thoughts. Let us find out how music chemically alters brain activities that help us focus.

The Science of Music and Our Brains

There are several studies about music and its effects on the brain and emotions. These studies are in full swing since the 50s following physicians noticing a pattern of beneficial growth among hospital patients in the US and Europe undergoing music therapy. On the other hand, on a simpler level, music is used at all times to express emotions and thoughts.

Current studies prove that music helps in relieving stress, depression, and anxiety. Elderly medical patients also benefit from the same. Music helps in decreasing traces of delirium and confusion. Researchers also say that the emotions exhibited in different songs and music helps us understand others with clarity. All these collectively prove that music indeed impacts our emotions and that too significantly.

To understand the scientific approach, we first need to understand the branch of neuromusicology. In simple words, it explores the nervous system’s reaction to music. After sound waves enter through our ears, they engage with the brain in different areas including the ones that produce cognitive functions. Studies claim that different people are activated in different areas of their brain with the same music. It depends on one’s personal exposure to music over the years. So the impact of music that alters focus or emotions can differ from person to person. At the same time, there are some general mood patterns revealed by contemporary music. This might help one decide on the type of music that is ideal for work.

Music Affecting Your Mood at Work

Music Affecting Your Mood at Work

There are various studies on this. Researchers are working extensively to find the connection between moods and music. However, most studies say that listening to music, in general terms, can improve a person’s creative abilities, productivity, efficiency, and happiness. This is in the backdrop of a work setting.

The benefits look workable. But there are stipulations. To give an example of the same, studies say that lyrical music can be distracting for many people. This might hamper their concentration at work. Experts often recommend people avoid listening to lyrical music while doing jobs that require focus or learning a new thing.

On the contrary, music with lyrics can work great for people engaged in monotonous or tedious jobs. It could be because of the distracting nature of music. It seems to provide relief from the boredom of the job. There are many studies around the world that will help you understand the impact of music. The following are some of the studies carried out in connection with music and workplace productivity in recent years.

  • 1972- The study was published in Applied Ergonomics. The study suggests that people doing the same job every day find it easier to accomplish their goals with music playing in the background.

  • 1994- The study was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. The study was in the backdrop to a surgeon’s efficiency and accuracy during surgery with music playing in the background. The study finds that surgeons work more efficiently in such a setting. Music was selected by participants. As expected, they came out with the best results. Even those who worked with music picked by the researchers performed better than all those who did not have any music.

  • 1999- The study was published in the journal called Neuroscience and behavioral physiology. It shows playing rock or classical music helps participants identify integers quickly with more accuracy.

  • 2005- The study was published in the journal, Psychology of Music. The study was performed with software developers. With music, they experience better moods, good efficiency, and focus. The endnote of the study highlights a learning curve in participants who use music to elevate their moods.

These were briefly just to name a few. The studies are done on employees in their respective work settings. Even without the study, everyone will agree that music does help with concentrating and focusing. The difference is visible and its effects are seen in the quality of work and efficiency that they deliver at the end of the day.

The Role of Natural or Ambient Music

The Role of Natural or Ambient Music

Music is ambient noise in simple terms. Researchers say that ambient music is the best to promote worker productivity. It takes a lot of time for people to come across the right kind of music. It can be a challenge especially if someone is doing the same while they are at work. The following studies published in various papers and journals help in understanding the effects of ambient music on the human mind. A workplace is very different from that of personal space. So the difference is wide. Although there is no specific formula to determine what works and what does not, the following studies help in driving the research towards a constructive direction.


  • 2006- A study published in Ergonomics says that continuous music hampers with concentration the least. The most distracting was distinguishable speech. It has no benefits and formed an unpleasant work setting for the participants. Masked speech variables arouse mental states. Continuous music also does but in lesser amounts.

  • 2012- The study was published in the Journal of Consumer Research. The study investigates ambient noise effects on creative output. According to the study, creative outputs improved under a background ambient music at a lower volume, approximately 70 decibels. This volume is the same as that of the average vacuum cleaner. The study says that loud music affects creativity negatively at 85 decibels.

  • 2015- This study from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America says that natural sounds like that of breeze or water improve employee productivity and workplace mood.

The studies conclude that ambient music is effective in altering mood, focus, and productivity. But to benefit from its full potential, one needs to switch between no music breaks and periods of diverse music types.

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up

So, considering all the studies points, we can say that no lyrics music is the best option for workplaces. But also, depending on the type of work you do, you may switch to lyrical music. This will benefit you and make you more productive in your work. All these lies on studies only. So if you come across a point in the day where you need to concentrate without the intervention of noise or music, do that.

It takes days and months for people to find the right type of music. It is because we are constantly evolving. So our tastes and preferences also change. It also depends on how we feel at the moment in time. You should never browse for hours to find the right artists. This will only take away from your focus and productivity. It may take time but once you find your liking, it will be more helpful to you to get your work done with concentration and focus.

You can look at the following artist recommendations for a concentration-filled work session. Each works in their respective genres. Choose the one that goes best with your personality and taste. You are bound to experience the good effects of music on your overall performance at work. You can also look for other options outside of the following list. It mainly varies from person to person. The same type of music can work differently in different people. As a result, you do not have to constrict yourself to any particular type.

Best Artists to Listen to While Working

The following list comprises some of the artists who display a beautiful curve of lyrical or ambient music. You will also find mellow and uptempo variation in some of their sounds. Choose what you like and get ready to get back to work all relaxed, motivated, and focused.

These artists and their music will help you cope with your work life.