Artist Phil Robinson's Song 'Transcendental Cowboy (Acoustic Demo)' Engages with Its Lyrical Spontaneity | Daily Music Roll

Artist Phil Robinson’s Song ‘Transcendental Cowboy (Acoustic Demo)’ Engages with Its Lyrical Spontaneity

Music artist Phil Robinson’s newly released track ‘Transcendental Cowboy (Acoustic Demo)’ is a lyrically engaging song with a distinct country-styled progression.

Upcoming music artist Phil Robinson presents a lyrical and amalgamation of rustic country tunes with the verses of his newly released song, ‘Transcendental Cowboy (Acoustic Demo)’. The song penetrates the soul with its lyrical enrichment that presents a union of thematic slopes and melodic resonance. The streams of homespun progressions and riffs make the audience relate to it more understanding. The song was released alongside a benefit video for the #SaveOurStages campaign. It was formed following the closing down of live music venues owing to the global pandemic. The initiative spreads awareness and raises money for NIVA’s Emergency relief Fund.

The creative pursuits of Phil Robinson are not just constricted to his musical consciousness. His soundscape is now stepping up to serve the community and the society in restoring normalcy in the scope of the live music scene. ‘Transcendental Cowboy (Acoustic Demo)’ exemplifies his ability to expose the audiences to knowledge and awareness. His musical rusticity is an important ingredient of his soundscape that further allows him to connect to his fans on common grounds of perspectives. Also, a prolific harmonica player, some of his other songs that enrich his vision and goals as an artist include ‘Broken’, ‘Romance in the Dark’, ‘Happy’, and ‘The Bitter End!’. Follow his league of meaningful music on YouTube, Soundcloud, Dropbox, Bandcamp, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Check out his song on Youtube: