Banjo the African origin musical instrument is utilized all over the globe | aaaDaily Music Roll

Banjo the African origin musical instrument is utilized all over the globe


The string instruments are the sweetest listening and nice to hear musical instruments compared with the other instruments. Thus, Banjo a string instrument that originated from Africa is being favored all over the globe by music enthusiasts. It consists of a thin membrane illustrated over a cavity to sound as a resonator. The form of the membrane is circular and is usually formed with plastic or sometimes with animal skin. In earlier the forms of this instrument were designed by the African-Americans community. This instrument can be used especially with folk and country music to explore the flavor of this genre. However, this instrument can also be used with rock, pop, and hip-hop songs.


In modern, the banjo instrument derives from the Caribbean, since in the 17th century many enslaved people were being taken from West Africa. Banjo’s written references have been observed in North America in the 18th century. Around the second quarter of the 19th century, this instrument has been used commercially all around the world. Several claims have been made over the etymology of the name ‘banjo’. Many people say that it came from the Kimbundu dialect work mbanza. Whereas, the Oxford Dictionary states that it is derived from the dialectal types of a Portuguese word bandore.

Various instruments from Africa have been popularized all over the globe but Kora is chief among them. This instrument is also featured with the animal skin and gourd of the body. The African banjo is different from the early African American banjos, as they do not consist of the western-style fingerboard and the tuning keys in their neck. However, they consist of stick necks with attached strings in the necks with the loops for tuning. Therefore, the banjos with the tuning pegs and the fingerboards are from the Caribbean music belonging to the early 17th century. In the later 18th and early 19th centuries, the writers transcribed this instrument as various names such as banza, bonjaw, banjer, bangie, and banjar. Moreover, instruments with a similar kind of banjo have also been used in many countries such as Japanese shamisen, Moroccan sintir, and Chinese sanxian.



Mainly two techniques are being followed closely to play the five-string banjo is drones and rolls. In the technique of rolls, one player must use the right hand for the accompanimental fingering patterns with the eight notes and those can be subdivided in each measure. On the other hand, the drone technology is being followed with quick little notes played on the 5th string for the melodic outcome. Both of these techniques are idiomatic for playing the banjo with all styles. However, history says that the banjo was played with the help of the claw hammer style by the Africans and they introduced their version of the banjo with them.

Several other styles are also present to play this fantastic instrument banjo. In the claw hammer style, it is consists of the down hammered of one or more of the strings with the help of the middle, index, and thumb fingers. The notes that are being played by the thumb are typically used for playing the offbeat sound for the listeners. Melodies from banjo are very much associated with the style of banjo playing. Thus, each and every style would consist of some different type melodious tone from the same instrument.

Types of Banjo

In modern times, the banjo comes in different forms including four and five-string versions of banjos. However, the six-string with the tune edges banjo has gained more popularity as it can be played similarly to the guitar. Moreover, all most every type of banjos is being played by a fast plectrum plucking through different styles of playing. The five-string banjo has variations over the original design. The players of the banjo use many tunings for the fantastic playful journey of the music. The most commonly used tuning is bluegrass, which has the open-G tuning with G3D3G4D4.

On the other hand, the Tenor banjo is the most soulful and melodic banjo instrument. It consists of the shorter-necked with the 17 by 19 frets played with the plectrum. The tenor banjo was a rhythmic instrument for dance bands in early the 20th century. The volume and timbre of this type of banjo are required in early jazz. Moreover, the instrument can also be heard clearly with acoustic recordings. Some other types of banjo instruments are the low banjos, banjo mandolin, and banjo ukulele.

Banjo has become a popular instrument with its different styles and forms all over the globe. Moreover, people are using it in various musical genres. However, there is some diversity over the origin of this instrument but Africa is considered as the origin of this instrument. Hence, it can be expected that new types of music compositions and songs can listen through this instrument.