Celebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody | Daily Music Roll

Celebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody

Author : Jennifer Stone

Every year, the date of first October is celebrated as International Music Day where everybody engages in the celebration of global music. The main purpose is to instill more peace and harmony in every culture around the world through a common shared energy or creativity which is music. The celebration of this day started in 1975 and since its inception, it has spread over many countries around the world. Currently, this day is celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world. It is also celebrated to embrace dynamic musical practices in different countries that contribute to global music.

Image Source: heliosevent

The History of International Music Day

The International Music Council (IMC) is a particular body of UNESCO that issued the celebration for International Music Day during the 15th General Assembly which took place in 1973. They proposed a day to celebrate and honor the global music of diversified cultures. British Musician Yehudi Menuhin was the President of the International Music Council (IMC) back then and in 1974, it was decided that 1st October would be the date for the celebration. After the suggestion, it was successfully celebrated on October 1, 1975, and that is how International Music Day was initiated.

elebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody
Image Source: awarenessdays

Significance of International Music Day

“Where words fail, music speaks”.

Music has a huge influence on everyone’s life. It is one of the greatest treasures of life that helps to survive. It is not a creative art form but a necessity in everyone’s life. Music can help to invoke different emotions and it is also one of the greatest forms of self-expression. The International Music Day is celebrated to pay tribute to music which has become an integral part of everyone’s life. There are numerous styles and genres of music around the globe and on 1st October; every music lover celebrates this diversity among unity.

Ways of Celebrating International Music Day

  • Music Concerts in the Locality
Celebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody
Image Source: insider

On International Music Day, everybody becomes a music artist themselves without even worrying about their expertise. Whether someone does music as a hobby or an emerging artist trying to showcase their talents; everybody can perform on the day to embrace their passion for music. Music concerts in the locale are great to get a stage to yourself and perform your heart out. Usually, these concerts are small and take place in parks where people can join for free. Once it starts, it keeps on going with more music artists and listeners joining on the way. If you are a rising artist, you can also utilize this buzz to get some organic attention from potential listeners.

  • Music in All Forms
Celebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody
Image Source: nammfoundation

In this busy digital life, most people have forgotten what the sound of Nature feels like. It is not necessary to put on your headphones on International Music Day but you can also spend it in silence and appreciate different natural sounds like birds chirping, wind blowing through dry leaves, whistling sounds, sounds on a water body, and many others. Finding harmony and melody in nature is also a part of appreciating the music that surrounds us. Pay good attention to it and you will find a melody as well. It can also help to maintain good mental health.

  • Educate People through Workshops
Celebrate International Music Day With Harmony And Melody
Image Source: efdss

Arranging musical workshops is also a fine way to connect with more music lovers. There are a lot of enthusiasts who might want to learn some musical instruments. With the help of free workshops, they can learn more about the pieces of equipment and how to use them effectively. The workshop is a place to share knowledge, expertise, and tips with others. It can help to create a strong community of music lovers who are looking forward to learning more about diversified music culture.

 International Music Day is a reminder that music is inevitable and it will always remain a significant part of human life.

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