'Dragon Force' sets fire to Dan Wande's experimental instincts and his warm, desirable rock tunes | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Dragon Force’ sets fire to Dan Wande’s experimental instincts and his warm, desirable rock tunes

Dan Wande brings back the same nostalgic, hard notes of the metal music that saw the light of day with Black Sabbath, in the eclectic EP ‘Dragon Force’.

Dan Wande’s new EP Dragon Force’ is the manifestation of the important transformation that he has been experiencing right now, creating historic moments in his long-lasting musical career. He is influenced to make this project from his childhood nostalgia and warm memories that bring joy in his mind. He captures all the emotional turbulence he faced in the last couple of years through the rock songs of the new album. He releases the enormous energy that he stored over the years, weaving tales of kings and dragon slayers, into the three raw and engrossing rock tracks. They simulate each and every dead instinct of your mind and take on a ride to fantasy land. The album is a sketch of three different characters hidden inside him. He believes that it will be an easy way for the audience to connect with him and his personal, vivid theories about life.

Dan Wande

Dan Wande has a deep love for the complexities of life, he likes to take time and unravel the intricate knots. He makes songs about the things that he finds around him, that help him to grow in this detestable world with unthinkable creativity. Dragon Force’ is a multi-layered EP that absorbs all the traditional style of metal music and invigorates it with his new concept that is inspired by his childhood memories. ‘Dragon Force’ is the first single off the EP that is concocted with up-tempo and blistering guitar tunes to explore an ancient, fascinating world with three pawns- king, queen, and dragons. ‘Tommyknockers’ is the last song from the EP and it colors a different picture from the rest of his fanatical sketch. The mesmerizing sound of harmonica makes a profound amalgamation with the various guitar riffs that creates heavy bass-work for the song. The idea of the song is adopted from Stephen king’s novel called Tommyknockers. All the songs are available on Spotify.

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