Elektragazz Shows Their Prowess in Composing Music Through 'The Synaesthetic Picture show' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Elektragazz Shows Their Prowess in Composing Music Through ‘The Synaesthetic Picture show’

The collaboration of Elektragazz brings some widely varied musical compositions in the EP ‘The Synaesthetic Picture show’. The EP comprises six amazing songs.


The EP ‘The Synaesthetic Picture show’ by the music band Elektragaaz is purely instrumental music that draws influences from a wide range of genres. The versatility of the artists led him to compose music blending pop, rock, club, and techno genres. The EP comprises six songs. Each song shares a different mood in its musicality. The musical pieces in the EP make you acquainted with the realm of his music, where you spend all your day listening to his songs and your soul feels free from the clutches of the real world. It gets you into a pure musical zone where a music lover gets real aesthetic pleasure.

The key moving point of his music is the artist’s preoccupation with a wide range of genres. In the EP he has made songs belonging to the genres Alt-rock, Jazz, pop, and others. The song ‘The Defiant Ones’ brings the essence of rock music with its musicality. On the other hand, all the songs will make you imagine a story in your head. The kind of variety he brings with the EP is too brilliant to describe within a few words. Even, one can learn some amazing lessons from the songs by just paying attention to them.


Well, Elektragazz came into existence in 2017 when a phone call from Redband to Trebor Lloyd. Redband was then just 19 years old. He was finding an outlet where he can place his musical compositions. Till the time, Lloyd knew only a few about him Redband was working on some musical projects then and also seeking some collaborators to join in his musical “quest”. The collaboration has created some widely varied instrumental compositions. So, listen to the composition of the new generation musical band and stay tuned to the latest EP ‘The Synaesthetic Picture show’.