Everything you need to know about the 10 most popular musical instruments | aaaDaily Music Roll

Everything you need to know about the 10 most popular musical instruments

As it has been rightly saying, music is indeed the universal language of mankind. There’s hardly any person alive who doesn’t appreciate or love music. Some choose to listen to it while others go-ahead to become a part of it. And, then some plan an instrument or produce or compose music. Be it a career choice or a hobby, every person is in some way or the other associated with music.


There are hundreds of different types of instruments people can learn. After all, being able to play your favorite instrument has many additional benefits. Some of them are:

  • Enhances interpersonal skill
  • Promotes Creativity
  • Memorization
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Improves motor skills

Whether you’ve been playing an instrument your whole life or just starting, honing a skill is always great! But out of so many options, which ones are the most popular? For students, choosing any one type of instrument is very personal.

The list of top 10 top popular musical instruments are:

  • Piano/ Keyboard


The piano is one of the most popular musical instruments in the world. It is because of its versatility that a piano can be played in about any musical genre or also as a solo. Some say that a keyboard and a piano have different uses but the basics are quite similar. In America itself, there are over 21 million people who play it.

There are numerous artists, music producers, and music constructors who rely on the piano to create some of the best pieces of music.

  • Electric Guitar

Electric Guitar

In the past couple of years, the electric guitar has become one of the most important instruments and has also secured its place on the top ten list. The rise in the popularity of electric guitar is mainly attributed to rock and roll, and pop artists. There are countless videos showing artists playing electric guitars as they woo the crowd with their fascinating sound.

  • Violin


Even though the violin is mostly associated with classical music, but the violin is an integral part of many genres. The violin is considered to be one of the most beautiful sound-producing instruments. The violin is one of the oldest ones that have been around the scene for centuries. Users start playing as early as six years old.

  • Drums


Drums have always maintained high popularity and why not, playing the drum allows the user to get lost in the moment. Drums are an integral part of almost all musical genres including jazz to rock. However, if not learned properly, a beginner drum player can make your head spin with the noise. There are varieties of drums available in the market and you can also go for an electric drum that has a quieter sound.

  • Saxophone


The saxophone is one of the most popular wind instruments that are highly desired by the school orchestras. The instrument is available in all sound ranges, be it alto or contrabass. Even though alto and tenor are the most common ones, they come in all sizes and shapes and are also useful for a variety of music genres.

  • Flute


It is needless to say that a flute is a very portable instrument and also very easy to learn. Though a flute was primarily a classical instrument over the years, it has adapted to various genres. One of the main reasons that contribute to the flute’s popularity is its inexpensiveness. For those who are just starting, a flute can work as a stepping stone.

  • Clarinet


Numerous students start their musical training by playing the clarinet during their elementary school music class. Much similar to a flute, the instrument is lightweight, small, and versatile. Even though a clarinet is usually accompanied by other equipment, it is a staple of the jazz and classical orchestras.

  • Cello


For younger students, cellos aren’t huge but as their age gets older, so does the size of the instrument. The cello is a key string instrument along with the viola and the violin and is most importantly used in the chamber quartets and symphony orchestra. The cello can usually be accompanied by any instrument or be performed solos.

  • Trumpet


The trumpet is the only bass musical instrument in the top ten list. It is one of the oldest instruments and can either be played solo or accompanied by other instruments. A trumpet is an integral part of symphony orchestra bass sections and is immensely crucial to jazz, some rock, and R&B music pieces. The instrument is available in a variety of sizes and is quite inexpensive.

  • Vocal Melody

Vocal Melody

Surprised? The smooth tone of a singing voice is also considered an instrument and it is perhaps the most important instrument in many forms of jazz, pop, choir, rock, country, and R&B. After all, many songs wouldn’t exist without it, isn’t it?