FAM BAND establishes its unparalleled thematic presence in the global music scene with the track 'Pushin' On' | aaaDaily Music Roll

FAM BAND establishes its unparalleled thematic presence in the global music scene with the track ‘Pushin’ On’

Seasoned music band from Cincinnati, FAM BAND showcases extraordinary musicianship through the mesmerizing vocal performance in the new track ‘Pushin’ On’.


Dominating the alternative music scene in Cincinnati, FAM BAND is back again with their newest hit banger Pushin’ Onfeaturing Frankly Speaking. The wildly eccentric band founded by a similar-minded brothers-in-law duo is determined to bring their inimitable thematic vision into the contemporary music scene through the song. The unique rhythmic flavor of the track is hard to pinpoint but definitely a pleasuring one achieving a higher form of resonance. The hypnotic melody of the track blended with the artists’ dynamic vocal performance is enough to blur the gap between generations.

Driven purely by the genuine love and passion for the art of music-making, FAM BAND is extremely devoted to their dream of establishing something uniquely sublime that expresses the artists’ remarkable panache. Their latest creation ‘Pushin’ On’ featuring Frankly Speaking sends an electrifying jolt down the spine through its reverberated instrumentation and breathtakingly blissful singing. The band has become a prominent figure in the independent music scene with their hit numbers such as ‘Home Cooked Meal’, ‘Promoter Junk (J. Classic Remix)’, ‘We Never Cared’, and ‘Goes Down’. They plan to drop a new single each month leading up to their full project dropping in 2021. Follow them on Spotify for more.

Track link: https://open.spotify.com/track/2EJItqWRSHqwqBMGHiMHrq