Famous DJ Artist NOA AON's Tracks has Amazing Dance Beats | aaaDaily Music Roll

Famous DJ Artist NOA AON’s Tracks has Amazing Dance Beats

NOA AON is dedicated in producing transformative music that sits on the perception of reflection. The theme of his music is freedom, movement, and total transformation. The passion of the songs powerfully enhanced and it surrounds the listeners in the best possible way. The ambiance is multi-layered, motivational, expressive, and detailed. The instrumentation in the tracks is superb and everything feels united within the soundscape. You can listen to his songs simply by streaming to Soundcloud and you can also watch his music video simply by visiting Youtube.

Famous DJ artist from Atlanta NOA AON featured Kristina Danielle in track Night Out in the album ‘After Dark’. This track represents the mother darkness that is hidden within everyone. The whole thing in the track continues to amaze and inspire the listeners. He stated that some of the greatest lessons are found in the darkest times of life. The track #NOAMOVEMENT Volume 14 from Story Nightclub Miami has amazing music mix. The soundscape builds up brilliantly that is rising in vibrancy and the increasing speed captivates and lights up the room as it plays out.   Some of his other tracks are ‘#NOAMOVEMENT Volume 22 – Tribal Edition’, ‘Sunshine, NOA|AON (feat. Hart Sawyer)’, ‘#NOAMOVEMENT Volume 21 LIVE from Imagine Festival – Atlanta’ and many others. The hook lingers in the mind of the listeners for quite some time after listening and slightly nostalgic, nineties dance vibe of the music.  You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google Plus.

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To know more check out the following social sites : 

Twitter : https://twitter.com/noaaonoffic

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/noaaonofficial

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/noaaonofficial