Fête De La Musique: Amazing Facts About World Music Day 2024 | Daily Music Roll

Fête De La Musique: Amazing Facts About World Music Day 2024

Author : Jennifer Stone

It is that time of the year when all music artists join together to celebrate their deep passion for music. Let’s find out more about the World Music Day, celebrated on June 21.

Music is the medium that can channel through every living organism. It is hard to find a person who does not like music and it is not just an art form but a daily ingredient that makes living better. Every year, on June 21st, World Music Day is celebrated around the globe. Also known as the ‘Fête de la Musique’, it is a celebration of musical diversity all around the world that brings unity among humans, the music lovers.

Fête De La Musique Facts About World Music Day 2024
Image Source: awarenessdays.com

World Music Day originated in France back in 1982 and since then, its influence has been spread all over the world and is now celebrated in over 120 countries including Italy, Germany, Greece, Mexico, the USA, India, Brazil, Canada, and many others. The days especially celebrate the importance and need of music in life. Not only professional music artists but emerging enthusiasts, as well as listeners, can take part in the celebration as music connects everyone with a common thread. Everyone goes out on a march and chants the slogan ‘Faites de la musique’ which means nothing but to ‘Make Music’. Like every year, World Music Day 2024 is also celebrated on June 21stand it is a worldwide event that brings all the music lovers together with their common passion for music. Let’s find out more about this celebratory moment.

The History of World Music Day

Back in 1982, when the date for World Music Day was announced; the global music industry was growing rapidly with changes in styles and thousands of new music artists. With a musical revolution, the French Minister of Culture back then, Jack Lang decided to announce this day as the World Music Day in agreement with composer Maurice Fleuret and radio producer. June 21st also collides with the day of Summer Solstice when all the music artists come together and join a prolific musical journey that comes with passion and love. The music artists and as well as listeners unite and appreciate each other on this day.

World Music Day 2024
Image Source: guitargetlessons.com

Many global public forums take place on this day and a lot of artists also perform in free events or open shows where everyone can enjoy music. The idea that was first embarked on June 21, 1982, is now a successful event where global artists could be seen performing on the street and in parks where listeners would vibe with them. The celebration of music received massive support and appreciation from all kinds of music lovers which is the sole reason why it is a successful approach that is enjoyed by all.

Significance of Global Musical Celebration

World Music Day 2024
Image Source: orchestrasforall.org

There is no doubt that music brings more peace and solace to the human hearts. Music is capable of creating an audible sensation that can captivate all kinds of listeners. While there are numerous genres and millions of musical content, the united effort is visible among all and it can diminish all the boundaries of languages, regions, and cultural differences. Music plays a crucial role in every human’s life and World Music Day is celebrated to embrace that. This global event celebrates unity among diversity where there are numerous musical styles and genres are enjoyed by different kinds of music lovers and performed by different kinds of artists, yet they all share a common dream of creating a world full of music. It is celebrated to support this art form, its evolution, and its importance.

Amazing Facts About World Music Day

  • ‘Faites de la musique’ is the main theme for World Music Day which means ‘make music’ It encourages emerging and rising music artists who are still skeptical about their musical craft. However, the event is celebrated with a particular theme every year. The theme for World Music Day 2024 is still unknown. Last year in 2023, the theme for the day was ‘Music on the intersections’.
  • World Music Day is celebrated with the love for music that lies within everyone’s heart. There is no commercial purpose behind this and free music events are being arranged all over the world. Even if some renowned musician decides to join the journey and perform for the audience, they tend not to charge anything. The free gigs are the symbol of freedom in music. Therefore, do not consider it an event where only rich people go.
  • World Music Day celebrates all kinds of music around the world and it is not exclusively focused on any particular style or genre. All kinds of music artists can take part in it, whether a singer, a rapper, or a music producer. Starting from folk to metal and rock to pop, all kinds of artists and bands join the roads together to celebrate this day.
  • This global music event does not celebrate the exclusivity of the industry but the diversity of it. Those who are wondering whether is it limited to professional artists only or not; can expect a musical celebration with no parameter for expertise. People who do not even know how to make music but love to listen to it can participate in this day, without holding themselves back. People who make music and people who support them in making music, both are important for the progress of world music.
  • Although World Music Day is celebrated on June 21st, the celebration of world music is not limited to a single day only. In some countries, World Music Day is celebrated for a week or longer to churn out every essence of it.

Fostering a sense of global music community, World Music Day aims to bring all music lovers together with a global celebration that does not care about languages, boundaries, and other barriers. It celebrates the unified emotion that is shared by all music lovers. Stay tuned and listen to more music to cherish your heart.

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