'Fight For A Living'- an EP by Sandra Grace is going to launch very soon | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Fight For A Living’- an EP by Sandra Grace is going to launch very soon

To inspire everyone a young Ukrainian pop artist Sandra Grace is coming with a brand new EP named ‘Fight For A Living’ with four different songs in it.

Sandra Grace

Sandra Grace an aspiring young Ukrainian artist is coming with a new project to touch every listener’s heart. Sandra is coming with an EP which is known as ‘Fight For A Living’. It is an EP of four different kinds of songs, but all the songs make a story altogether. Sandra is a great singer alongside with tremendous power of writing beautiful lyrics. All the songs are very inspiring and motivating. As an artist, she wants to motivate people. One of the songs of this EP is called ‘Got 2B Famous’ where she described her admiration of Charlie Puth. And by doing this she wants to convey her goal of life of working with him. From this everyone can take the inspiration of working towards their respected goals. Just like that in the song ‘Done To Me’ she is trying to convey that everyone is capable of coming out of any situation, everyone is powerful enough to overcome everything, and for that, they don’t need anyone. From all her songs she is trying to motivate the world. Her way of writing lyrics is different. She writes heartfelt lyrics and gives life to it with her beautiful and powerful voice.

Sandra Grace has been trying to release music since 2016-17 under a Ukrainian production house with the name Sandra Ventura but it didn’t work out. After winning the grand prize of ‘Holiday Song For 2019’ for her song ‘Under The Mistletoe’ she launched her debut EP ‘A Gift For Christmas’. Now she is all ready to launch her latest EP ‘Fight For A Living’ on 21st December. The songs of the EP ‘Fight For A Living’ are ‘Got 2B Famous’, ‘Back Of Your Car’, ‘Fight For a Living’, and ‘Done To Me’. All of her songs are available on her YouTube channel, Spotify, and Apple music. So listen to her songs anytime, anywhere. For all the updates of her upcoming projects follow her on Instagram and Facebook.