'Golden Prayer' Answer To All Problems Says Author Edward Weiss | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘Golden Prayer’ Answer To All Problems Says Author Edward Weiss

When someone claims something as extraordinary as an answer to all problems, it had better be good. For Edward Weiss, author of The Golden Prayer, backing this claim up is not a problem. For Weiss, a special prayer he calls The Golden Prayer has everything a person needs to know God, and according to Weiss, this really is the answer to all problems. Edward comments…

“We either chase after the things of the world or find our peace in God. The Golden Prayer reminds you of this. It reminds us of how tightly we hold on to control. Once we make the choice to exchange the world for God by putting God first, the real journey begins. This is the journey that leads to salvation.”

Weiss makes no apologies for his bold talk. Born and raised in the Jewish faith, Edward has stayed true to it citing how important it is to follow the first commandment. Again, Edward comments…

“The first commandment is ‘I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.’ In this we learn to put God before all else. Here is the key to the kingdom; to sow to the eternal rather than the world. The Golden Prayer puts you squarely in God’s hands, not your own. Here is your salvation.”

For more information about The Golden Prayer, visit the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/thegoldenprayer/