Kenton Place's 'Roses On The Wall' Acquaints Us with the Rich Nature of Hard Rock | aaaDaily Music Roll

Kenton Place’s ‘Roses On The Wall’ Acquaints Us with the Rich Nature of Hard Rock

Breathtaking production ‘Roses On The Wall’ is a perfect fusion of musical genres from the fast-rising band Kenton Place

Kenton Place

With an amazing fusion of hard rock and metal, talented rock band Kenton Place has come up with their music video Roses On The Wall. Released on February 18, it provides a fantastic listening and visual experience to all audiences. The rocking guitar tunes, exhilara1ng drumbeats, and mesmerizing voice add up all the necessary elements for such a top-notch production. The lyrics of the song can take music lovers on an ethereal journey. The band’s brilliant tribute to all the cancer patients truly highlights their inner personality and love for all who struggle with the disease.

Hailing from Texas, the Houston-based band will feature their latest project in their upcoming EP ‘Terminal’, which is set to release on March 4 this year. Joining forces with Grammy award winners Ulrich Wild and Ted Jensen, this project is certainly poised to magnetize both new listeners and fans. The band features childhood friends vocalist/guitarist Logan Smalley (Smalls), drummer Noe Hernandez (Fez), lead guitarist Roque Techera (Rock, the hero), and bass guitarist Curtis Bird (Mr. Bird). They chose their brand name, ‘Kenton Place,’ to honor their roots and the place that provided them with childhood memories.

Roses On The Wallis now available on YouTube. You can also follow Kenton Place on Spotify and Instagram to get more insight about the upcoming ‘Terminal.’

Link to the single:

Official Music Video:
