Kurt Hagardorn Showcases his Unique Craftsmanship In New Album 'An Analog Man In A Digital World' | Daily Music Roll

Kurt Hagardorn Showcases his Unique Craftsmanship In New Album ‘An Analog Man In A Digital World’

Author : Hughes Nelson

‘An Analog Man In A Digital World’ is the latest album by talented musician Kurt Hagardorn. The tracks are a beautiful ode to retro music and its variety of styles.

What happens when a musician of this age can’t deny his love of retro music anymore? He produces an album that will take you right back to the era where everything seemed better, life, environment, music. Kurt Hagardorn is one such artist who is taking you on an absolute ride with his freshly released album. An Analog Man In A Digital Worldtalks about feeling left out in a fast-moving and wanting to go back to an old era, where people were actually living. The artist showed his incredible craftsmanship throughout the entire record as he presented a unique concoction of retro music style with the goodness of modern beats. This fusion will not only make you nostalgic but elevate your music taste to a whole new level.

The album, ‘An Analog Man In A Digital World’ comprises 10 tracks that each tap into a unique ambiance, showcasing the artist’s beyond-belief talent of tapping into a unique vulnerability. Filled with influences of several music styles from the 1970s, the album has it all. While you may think anyone with a guitar in his hand, and access to old vinyl records can do anything similar to what Kurt Hagardornhas done, then you are in for an absolute thrill. Growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana, Kurt has always been passionate about music since his early years, and now with this incredible piece of work, he is set to win hearts. Listen to some of his tracks like ‘     Tractor Beam’, ‘Caveat Emptor’, ‘767’, ‘Waiting By The Phone’, etc. on Bandcamp and follow him on Facebook.

Album  Link :


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