Last Charge of the Light Horse Decides to Drop a Brand New Album 'In the Wind' on Oct 5 | Daily Music Roll

Last Charge of the Light Horse Decides to Drop a Brand New Album ‘In the Wind’ on Oct 5

Author : Hughes Nelson

After teasing the upcoming album with new singles, Last Charge of the Light Horse has developed a Brand New Album ‘In the Wind’ which is all set to drop on Oct 5.

If you are looking for some captivating indie rock flavors then Last Charge of the Light Horse has got you all covered with their upcoming album ‘In the Wind’. This forthcoming album project is scheduled to be released on 5th October this year and the anticipation is already high with the single releases. The musical group has done an incredible job in crafting every song and that reflects through ‘Slash and Burn’, ‘Kindred Minds’ and the title track ‘In the Wind’. Each song offers a preview of how exciting this music project is going to be. Whether it is the lyrical balance or the complementing musical arrangement; this album is going to be a big blast for the listeners.

‘In the Wind’ will be offering a total of 12 amazing songs and some of the other tracks include ‘Talk to the Hand’, ‘Imaginary Friend’, ‘Last Day of the Year’, ‘Coming Home’, etc many. All of these creative projects are the greatest examples of the united effort provided by each member namely guitarist Bob Stander, drummer Shawn Murray, bass guitarist Pemberton Roach, and last but not least, Jim Watts and Pam Aronoff at the vocals. Follow Last Charge of the Light Horse on YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and their official website to know more.

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