Let There Be Darkness Takes Over the Electronica Genre with a Complete Level of Originality | aaaDaily Music Roll

Let There Be Darkness Takes Over the Electronica Genre with a Complete Level of Originality

Los Angeles-based music band Let There Be Darkness is riding its way to fame with the modern visionary of the Electronica genre that pins the attention with impact.


With each year passing, it only seems to be more exciting to find out that the Electronica genre has discovered some genuine and sonically rich talents whose music is hard to let go of. The genre is a huge tent with diverse patterns and approaches, and with new talents making their breakthrough, the boundary is simply pushing forward. Undoubtedly one of the most gifted and versatile bands of the current generation, Let There Be Darkness is brimming with new ideas, styles, and sounds that present the electronica genre with a new definition. The  Los Angeles based music band is anchored by Charles Richburg – vocalist, lyricist, whose brilliant ideas, enthusiasm, and distinct vocal texture explore the uniqueness of the genre in the right fashion, something that was lacking in the musical space for a very long time.

So far, the dynamic artist has released a couple of songs with each song making a significant impact on the audience’s mind. The African American artist has been in the industrial and goth scene for over twenty years, and darkness is a common theme or most of his songs. A few examples of this intriguing concept are ‘Myself Decay’, ‘Endless Rain’, ‘Bleeding Black (Remastered)’, and ‘Eat My Cult (Remastered)’. The songs are a great reflection of the artist’s religious beliefs. The most deeply rooted concept of eternal suffering permeates his songs and gives the audience a stimulus to explore certain conventional ideas. The first song tells the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the second track is a rather dark dance track that is based on the theme of eternal damnation. The third song talks about the path of self-destruction, and the last one is his first single in which the artist criticizes the organized religion as he dons the role of a preacher.

Coming from Los Angeles, Let There Be Darkness is quickly drawing upon the attention of the new-age generation with his terrifically structured dark music and the singer derives his inspiration from industrial bands like Nine Inch Nails, Suicide Commando, and Velvet Acid Christ to curate his songs. With the intervention of the artist’s musicality, the audience can now freely indulge in the dark side of the genre that is primarily influenced by jarring styles to make for a unique listening experience. He is truly a one-of-a-kind music composer, whose musical taste and execution are distinctive from the rest. Hear him on Spotify, and YouTube and follow him on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for further details.

Listen to their creations on Soundcloud now: https://soundcloud.com/let-there-be-darkness