Listen to Upcoming Artist Rees74's Newly Released Album to Experience Musical Hypnotism | aaaDaily Music Roll

Listen to Upcoming Artist Rees74’s Newly Released Album to Experience Musical Hypnotism

Music artist Rees74 recently came out with his digital album comprising of 5 tracks that resonates with intriguing storytelling across a captivating production.


Music knows no bounds when it comes to individualistic expressions. Upcoming artist Rees74 is doing the same as he recreates contemporary music through melodic storytelling. The artist recently came out with a digital album contain five short and compact songs that take the audience on a journey of thematic recreation. The essence of dark themes recreate certain hypnotism depicting sagas through its musical journey. The artist has imbibed the essence of contemporary production arrangements that give the album an edgy boost. The album creates an ambient sound that trespasses every standard of music. The influences also range from basic to complex lines that collectively pave the way for the album. The artist’s dynamic perspective also leads the listeners into his scope of wisdom that further expands their horizons of creative consciousness. From the rhythmic uncertainties to the surprises at each confluence, the album is eccentric and ethereal in its overall style.

Artist Rees74 is based out of Colorado and is promoting experimentation in music through his new album. Although he is just starting out, his potential is clearly visible as he does not shy away from trying new techniques. Production is an important component of his musical presentation and he utilizes modern-day equipment and sound patterns to create an identity for himself. The creative virtues in the album are very fresh and have a unique approach that enables the pace of music’s evolution through the ages. From the start till the end, the audience will be hooked to its dense storyline which exemplifies itself without the support of any lyrical content. This part is crucial and proves his ability to create music from scratch. As he continuously pushes himself to acquire new ideas, he is only growing his soundscape into a more integrated format. Get ready to dive into a new age of music by listening to his new album on Bandcamp.

Album link: