Listening to Music during Ramadan and Other Things that can Break Your Fast | aaaDaily Music Roll

Listening to Music during Ramadan and Other Things that can Break Your Fast

There are several ways that a Muslim can break his/her fast during Ramadan even if they are not consuming food and water deliberately, and listening to music is one of them.

Image Credit :- Fabian Sommer/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

The holy month of Ramadan has started, which is also one of the most essential times in the life of a Muslim, as it brings about a phase of self-reflection for them and also is a time when people try to strengthen their faith. Ramadan, which lasts 30 days, is when Muslims abstain from taking food and water from sunrise to sunset and break their fast only in the evening, which is called “iftar”.

Fasting is deemed to be obligatory for all healthy Muslim women, men, and children who have reached puberty. It is seen as an act of worshipping and remembering that Allah is the source of all sustenance, and the month is considered a time of charity and goodwill. However, one has to be extra careful during this period as if the fast is broken before iftar, the individual has to make up for it by fasting after Ramadan, and consuming food is not the only way the fast can be broken. Below are some of the ways in which one might break their fast, other than deliberately eating or drinking:

  • Listening to music

Now there is a sort of controversy regarding this point in the Islamic world. There is a school of thought that believes that listening to music, in general, is forbidden because of the content that contemporary music has. Another school of thought believes that music in itself is not haram if it does not contain lyrics that are explicit and contain concepts that are permissible in Islam. The third school believes that listening to music during Ramadan is not merely haram but is also a source of distraction when it comes to focusing on work or studies. To remain on the safe side and ensure that their fast is accepted, Muslims avoid listening to music during the holy month.

Image Credit :- Dar Ul-Isra Centre

  • Menstruation

When women begin to menstruate, their fast is considered broken.

  • Medical and Habitual Reasons

Receiving nutritious injections to add nourishment to the body is seen as breaking the fast. Medical injections however are exempt from this rule. Another act that goes against their code of conduct is deliberately vomiting which is considered as breaking the fast. Receiving blood is seen as a form of taking nutrition, and is considered equivalent to breaking the fast. But drawing blood is permitted, as a very tiny amount of blood is taken and it isn’t being tasted or swallowed.

Apart from these, any form of sexual conduct is also considered among acts that can break the fast during Ramadan.

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