Lose Yourself with the Levitating Aura of 'Pain' an Exceptional Track Performed and Composed by J King Da Goat | aaaDaily Music Roll

Lose Yourself with the Levitating Aura of ‘Pain’ an Exceptional Track Performed and Composed by J King Da Goat

J King Da Goat released a compelling daunting number ‘Pain’, bottling up his sorrows and pain and turning them into an overpowering passionate musical composition.

J King Da Goat

The supremely talented musician J King Da Goat is offering indulging musicality that is soaked in glorifying aura of human suffering and pain. His latest release Pain is one of the overpowering songs that will offer the painful emotional journey of a sensitive human being. The musicality of hip-hop trap music will be celebrated through his rendering art forms with absolute integrity. He has faced several ups and downs in his life and these have made him into a man who is unable to live without music. And his passion wants recognition and appreciation, his music is not just for monetary profits. The gripping truthful voice will convey the explicit forms of hip-hop trap. He has the power to overpower most of the music industry with a single musical note, coming out of his heart. He is keen to collaborate and make infusing musical numbers.

He is known as Kinngg Jay, he is from Dallas Texas, United States. He has been making music since he was just 13 years old but did not think of it much seriously back then. After that, a mishap happened and he went to jail for eight years. But as he got out of jail he was 26. During this painful time of his life, he has made around 200 songs. J King Da Goat is now releasing new songs and albums each month. He is an independent artist and makes his song with no vivid external support. ‘Pain’ is like a monologue, brilliantly made with an overpowering musical composition that shares his musical genius. Some of his popular tracks which are already making their mark in the musical world are, ‘Trap Out’, ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing’, ‘Puerto Rican Bandit’, ‘On One’, ‘Image’, ‘Trap Booming’, ‘Paso Paso’, ‘No Smoke’, ‘Stash for Later’, ‘Like Me’. Follow him; he is available on YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Twitter.

Check out the song on Youtube:
