Lu Is a Young and Promising New Musical Talent on the Rise in the Industry | Daily Music Roll

Lu Is a Young and Promising New Musical Talent on the Rise in the Industry

Author : Jennifer Stone

Who is Lu?

Lu, an independent artist of Native American and Latino origin, possesses a wide range of skills and is exceptionally accomplished. She is the owner and founder of my record label, ROAM SOSHAL, and she is a singer, songwriter, rapper, and producer. Lu also plays numerous instruments. She is also a student who is a soldier in the United States Air Force, and she just won a full-ride scholarship for a degree in Global Security and Intelligence. If that doesn’t give her a diverse enough background, her other accomplishments include the following:

Lu is a remarkable individual and an amazing artist. She has gathered an average of 3,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, even though she has only been making professionally for over three years. She has developed a style that is all hers, her songs are witty, catchy, and hip, and she has her sights set on a successful musical career in the years to come.

Start in the music industry

When she traveled to Seoul in 2018, she got her real start in the music industry. She was completely ignorant about the nation and its culture, and she could not communicate in the language at the moment. She had recently landed her first real job and was getting her hands on some money for the first time. She decided she wanted to visit a place Lu had never been to before, so she booked a trip. She remained there for a period during which she was unaware of what was taking place, but she recalled that the one familiar to her was the music and the fact that it was so poetically expressed caused it to affect her profoundly. She distinctly recalled thinking that “music truly does bring us all together.” So as soon as she got off the aircraft, she decided to give music her whole attention. This journey was the impetus for her to launch her record label, and it’s even the reason she’s talking to you now. It was in Seoul that she had her very first experience inside a recording studio.

The Latest Work Of the Artist

She recently released a track called “Dirty, Dirty,” so we talked to her about her career thus far and what’s in store for the future. Without a doubt, we’ll get to her music, but first, let’s find out where she came from and what inspired her to become a musician.

This international rap track has lyrics in English, Spanish, and Korean. The songs heavily reference southern hip hop, which was popular while I was growing up and has had a significant impact on her and the rest of the globe. Then, to cement the deal, she added some subtle Latin touches.

References to “dirty, dirty” and “white shirts” aren’t allusions to seminal songs and locations; they’re also a double play on the preconceptions surrounding young black guys and people of color. The music was composed and recorded during the George Floyd demonstrations. The young victims’ white shirts are quickly “dirtied” or stained with blood. A related theme is that of stealing ideas from other cultures. This discussion takes on greater significance as the globe becomes increasingly interconnected. She liked the white shirt’s simplicity because it reminded her of a blank canvas. Without our individuality and ability to express ourselves, society would collapse if everyone wore one. White t-shirts may also be a fashion trend because “oh well, everybody’s doing it.” She thinks such ideas make the point. 

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