Major German Festivals have canceled their editions in 2021 and there will be no 'Summer Of Reunion' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Major German Festivals have canceled their editions in 2021 and there will be no ‘Summer Of Reunion’

Many German Festivals are slated for 2021 to have been canceled. The ongoing restrictions brought about the announcements of cancellations for this year’s editions. 

Summer Of Reunion

Greenfield, Rock im Park, SonneMondSterne, Rock am Ring, Hurricane, Southside, and Deichbrand. These are all names of some of the major German Festivals. The Eventim Live companies promote all these festivals but they came up with the announcement for cancellation of the editions that are slated to take place in 2021. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in restrictions in any kind of gatherings and there are uncertainties about the time when these restrictions are going to be lifted.

Those who have bought the ticket will get a chance to attend the editions of the festivals next year in 2022.

The CEO of CTS Eventim, Klaus-Peter Schulenberg has said that they very much regret the cancellations that were made, and the disappointments are shared with everyone who is involved. But, of course, he has given most importance to precedence, to protect and safeguard the health of performers, fans, partners, and festival teams.

He further added that nevertheless, it is pretty clear that the uncertainty that is continuing is further aggravating the financial situation that is dramatic and the live music industry is finding them in the problem. They have already started work on various levels and it has ensured that the live culture will return to the stage with utmost safety and as quick as possible.

Dr. Frithjof Pils, the managing director of Eventim Live has said that the organizers of the festival have invested a whole lot of energy and time in infection and sanitary control concepts to make sure that the event is held this summer possibly and this summer is meant to be ‘the summer of reunions’.

Pils has also said that there is a continuing epidemiological situation and the restrictions that are associated with it are in force. One has to accept this fact with a heavy heart that the festivals that are of this magnitude are not at all feasible at this moment. Therefore, they are trying to focus on the summer festivals of 2022 and want to create an unforgettable experience for the fans.

The German live professionals have confirmed this and they have been saying this for quite a few weeks. At the ILMC, held last week, the CEO of FKP Scorpio, Stephan Thanscheidt has said that very few have been buying tickets for this year’s summer events. He also added that there is little chance for festivals to take place in continental Europe this June or July.

He has convincingly expressed that more such events are going to be canceled in the coming weeks as part of the 2021 editions.

FKP Scorpio is an integral part of Eventim Live and they are also the promoter of the twin festivals Soutside and Hurricane. The twin festivals usually are slated for June along with Deichhbrand.

Several territories are in a new lockdown as part of Continental Europe and it is a pretty different story than in the UK, where the major festivals are taking place with sell-out and on sales in no time.

The roadmap for lockdown is announced by the UK government and there is an increase in optimism as the restrictions are lifted on social gatherings by 21st June.

The ever-changing situation due to coronavirus announcements hardly has any significance and the entire industry knows it.