Margarita Shamrakova ensures artistic bliss and magnificence with 'Don't want to die alone' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Margarita Shamrakova ensures artistic bliss and magnificence with ‘Don’t want to die alone’

The timeless quality to the presentation of the track ‘Don’t want to die alone’ by the gifted Margarita Shamrakova is musically stunning and captivating to its last.

Margarita Shamrakova

More than worth the anticipation – the incredibly talented artist Margarita Shamrakova takes the musical industry by storm with her rhythmically enthralling and immersive new project. The stylish fusion of intimate, emotive, and addictive melody with a personal and honest vocal line is simply superb and worth all the time invested in witnessing. There is a fine use of individuality and intensity within the structure of ‘Don’t want to die alone’ – the musical journey has started with an urgent sense of reflection and artistry. This is the kind of project that demands attention from the audiences and takes them on an unforgettable musical journey.

Later on, the artist has injected some intricate qualities to the entire flow – a refreshing and unique version of intoxication that offers rhythm in a completely new way. Then comes the lyrical bliss, enveloped within the entrancing sound design, gathering energetic moments to ensure the maximum impact. ‘Don’t want to die alone’ has a sleek bass-line to its presentation that is neither too heavy nor too light. Margarita Shamrakova has introduced momentum to the overall structure which is certainly blissful. You can witness more such fascinating musical projects by logging into YouTube, SoundCloud, and CD Baby. Follow her on Instagram, and ReverbNation for more updates.