Martine Mussies Offers the Sound of Nature With Patrick Meagher through the album '鳥笛 ("Bird Flute)' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Martine Mussies Offers the Sound of Nature With Patrick Meagher Through the album ‘鳥笛 (“Bird Flute)’

Take a flight with the Japanese birds and a captivating sonic experience through ‘鳥笛 (“Bird Flute)’, an inspiring album by Martine Mussies based on the themes by Patrick Meagher.

Music can offer listeners a therapeutic journey of healing and Martine Mussies knows that well. The music artist has recently dropped a brand new album called 鳥笛 (“Bird Flute) which is crafted on an interesting topic of the fleeting beauty of the birds. The album project is based on three very short themes by Patrick Meagher about Japanese birds which are wonderfully improvised by Mussies. It is not about birds chirping but more like the tune of their fleering motion which offers a sense of peace of wonder. Mussies creatively explores music and Japanese birds and with this latest album, she is extending her boundaries of improvisational talent.

Other than the original concept for bird-inspired music, the album ‘鳥笛 (“Bird Flute)’ also offers meditative pieces, a strong reflection of Maegher’s themes. The musical elements are utilized based on neuropsychological research on music therapy. As a result, the music project has the ability to influence brainwave activity with different frequencies like alpha (8-12 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz). These frequencies help to promote focus, relaxation, and creativity; offering listeners the perfect ambiance for yoga, meditation or even doing art. Specially designed for neurodiverse individuals, it is a musical treat for all kinds of music lovers.

Martine Mussies is a very talented persona who is best known as a music artist, an artistic researcher, and an autistic academic who is constantly pushing her limits. On the other hand, Patrick Meagher is a New York-based multi-instrumentalist and composer who is also known for record producing and working with other artists. With this latest joint venture, the artists are showing their effort to bring something unique and beautiful. Follow Mussies on Spotify to listen to her latest musical works.

Listen to this album ‘鳥笛 (“Bird Flute)’ by Martine Mussies here: