Mon Ethos Pro Sheds Light On the Political Injustice on Dominated Americans, In the Single 'Fighting For' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Mon Ethos Pro Sheds Light On the Political Injustice on Dominated Americans, In the Single ‘Fighting For’


Mon Ethos ProThe entertainment world is at strike since the awful event of another murder of an oppressed citizen of America, George Floyd by the police who had corrupted mind against certain races. Standing in the 21st century, it is still hard to believe that people prioritize colors rather than humanity. Being a leading consulting agency of the United States, the founder, and president of Mon Ethos Pro, David Whitaker could not catch a breath until he came up with an outlandish idea of uniting all the talented musicians all around the world and join in the powerful chorus of the new song Fighting For. He wanted to create a powerful song that can land with heavy impact on the modern imposters dressed as our civil guards, the police, to hold a mirror and let them watch the daunting world and terror they have created on the innocent minds of all colors who live in the same society due to racial injustice.

‘Fighting For’ is a motivational track that is recorded by several fierce and compassionate singers who have tried to be the voice that can lead the movement that David and Mon Ethos Pro Consulting, LLC started as a fight for a colorblind nation where all men are treated equally and love surpasses beyond any race, creed or gender. They have all come together on a journey that seeks an incorrigible change in the society, to earn equity for every human in this nation. The powerful verses keep the florid fire alive in the souls who thought that the battle was over and they have lost the ground. David has always been supporting the good causes and the track represents the alarming era that the world has ever seen. The words are so sensitive that the choir helps to regain the strength and fight one more time against social brutality, hideous discrimination based on skin color. The single ends with a beautiful message from all the various artists that the world will be much better with equity, respect, peace, and unity among all the homines-sapients.

Mon Ethos Pro is one of the most reliable service providers in the US. It is a one-of-a-kind talent management consultancy that generates greater revenue and rewards to and interest in the athletes, artists, and executives. It helps the brands to become global faces in the market with its high-quality content that brings out the best stories behind every success story. With such efforts and success for Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, Graphic Designers, Developers, and Business specialists, it is willing to bring a peaceful and requisite change in the government system through the song that is currently catching fire. Get the song on youtube and SoundCloud, hit the like button on Facebook and Instagram for them, or simply visit the official website for more interesting stuff.

Mon Ethos Pro’s ‘Fighting For’ released on Soundcloud: