'New Dangers' by alt-rock band Beyond Here creates musical turbulence in the industry | aaaDaily Music Roll

‘New Dangers’ by alt-rock band Beyond Here creates musical turbulence in the industry

Beyond Here hops into the scene with their passionately built and melodically performed new EP ‘New Dangers’ that welcomes the band onboard with massive acknowledgment.

Founded by frontman Anthony Douglas which includes Jon Wisecarver (lead), Jonathan Tuckness (drums), and Logan Hatcher (bass), alt-rock band Beyond Here has created a massive impression of the audience with their classic rock sound that’s currently the talk of the town for multiple reasons. The band drives with the power of versatility and remains unapologetic in their musical endeavors. Already engaging the audience with their massive musical hits, the band has recently launched another new EP ‘New Dangers’ available both on Spotify and YouTube. Well, this latest EP is creating a positive impact on the listeners. Songs like ‘Fake It Till You Miss It’, ‘Disappear’, ‘Go There’, and ‘New Man’ sound brilliantly addictive and refreshes the mind with its classic essence of alt-rock sounds.

There is no doubt that Beyond Here has launched their name on a positive foot and the new EP ‘New Dangers’ is only going to unveil their creative territories even further. The writing is incredible and the punch of the electronic guitars, live drums, crisp guitar strings, and other gritty instrumentals makes it a high-end affair. The band knows how to captivate the audience and has laid bare all melodic intricacies and addictive rhythms that set the mood immediately. Hear them. And, for more information follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Listen to their album on Spotify:
