No Artist can be as Resolute as SIR COG is in his Endeavour to Achieve Perfection in Music | aaaDaily Music Roll

No Artist can be as Resolute as SIR COG is in his Endeavour to Achieve Perfection in Music

New successful hip hop artist SIR COG is very passionate about music. The energy of this rising star communicates through tracks and helps him achieve perfection.

One of the very talented hip-hop artists SIR COG is buzzing the atmosphere of SoundCloud. His deeply rooted passion and inbuilt enthusiasm have kept him patient on his track of music. His songs inspire and motivate all the other budding hip-hop artists from all over the world. As a born devotee of music, he has always endeavored to achieve in his musical career, which always allows him to follow his passion for music. His music is electrifying and the lyrics are enchanting.

SIR COG has extended the quality of his music and succeeded to capture the music of the hip-hop and rock genre. Using some robotic effect in his vocal he tries to render uniqueness to his songs. The artist is inspiring and motivational for other budding hip-hop artists. If You are one of them, you should definitely look into his style of composition.


The artist is energetic in his style which he tries to transfer in the songs he composes. His songs communicate with the audience by resonating with their emotion. The new successful hip hop artist SIR COG is so fluent in his style of rapping, it’s almost impossible to find any gap in it. His songs, Whip Game Freestyle andWhatchamacallit! Freestyle are two of the songs that come out of his creative mind. Both the songs reflect the energy and vibe that he wants to create with his music. Even his other songs ‘They’re Dependin’ On Me’, ‘They’re Dying’, ‘Wit My Pen’ and ‘This Ain’t No Joke’ bear the evidence of his energy and dedication for composing good music.

All his songs are rich in content and full of musicality. The seminal features of hip-hop music are vividly conspicuous in both the songs- ‘Whip Game Freestyle’ and ‘Whatchamacallit! Freestyle’. The charismatic voice, enchanting lyricism and electrifying music all further glorify and enhance the status of the genre. SoundCloud is witnessing his growing fan followings. Even fans have now realized his effort and started showing respect to his music. If you are curious to know more about his music, you can follow him on his Instagram and Facebook account.

Listen to more songs, check out the given below link: