Popular band Flame of Life hits the right spot with their lively music composition 'This Water is Dead' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Popular band Flame of Life hits the right spot with their lively music composition ‘This Water is Dead’

Listen to Flame of Life’s recent release ‘This Water is Dead’ that gets the crowd swooning over their unique taste in music guided with an exciting melodic voice.

Who is better to thrive in the competitive and pop obsessed multi-verse other than the Lazer band Flame of Life. The team has inarguably glided to the top of the big-tent beats with their intriguing and exciting composition of music that stands out with its strong castle of verses. Their songs feature the catchiest hooks and thanks to their most credible vocalist who gleefully surfs through a thumping bass line to highlight the overall project. Mix and match are the words that this band and its members prefer to jumble upon and their every release serves as mood setters. It’s their most welcoming alternative rock and electronic music soaked melody line that gives a good boost to their individuality.

This Water Is Dead

On their latest single, ‘This Water is Dead, the band relies on elements that are truly unimaginable and is thoroughly eccentric. Filled with funky music and warm rolling beats, the sing has been properly furnished with a vocal arrangement that is impossible to ignore. Although the voice seems unclear and hazy at moments, it is the raw feeling that accentuates the play. Band members Fazer, The Bottle, Arxonix, Dead Flower, The Cowboy have performed extraordinarily well in playing their parts and they have successfully bedded down a track that outlines their unique musicality. Flame of Life has been founded by The Bottle as guitarist and Fazer as a vocalist in 2015.

Built under the label LameLife, ‘This Water is Dead’ is crafted out of an exciting formula which the musicians have finessed with their skillful taste. By taking inspiration from Deftones, Korn, Linkin Park, Adema, LEVEL, Sevendust, and Pearl Jam, they deliver such high-quality full-lengths that linger around the senses for long. Listen to all their tracks on Soundcloud, and follow them on Facebook for more updates on their upcoming projects.