Production Duo AmPm's New Song 'Everyday' Comprises a Reassuring Tropical Chill Pop Sound | aaaDaily Music Roll

Production Duo AmPm’s New Song ‘Everyday’ Comprises a Reassuring Tropical Chill Pop Sound

Listen to the sultry and captivating chill pop production sound with AmPm’s newly released track, ‘Everyday’ in creative collaboration with singer, Amanda Yung.


AmPm is a production duo hailing from Japan who recently collaborated with American singer, Amanda Yung for their song, ‘Everyday’. The song also comes with a compelling music video that beautifully showcases personal emotions and sentiments, much like the individualistic audience. The tune of the song can be described as a peppy summer song with the singer contributing her soulful vocal prowess and resilience alongside a captivating tropical house production. The lyrics are relatable where she is on a journey of finding a special someone and spends all her time getting to know the person from very close. She describes everyday life with them in her dreams and yearnings, something that the audience can also relate to. The production duo skilfully manages to mix the components of chill pop with an astounding tropical gala resulting in a refreshing sound that is ideal for the summer holidays.

About the Artist

The duo likes to keep their identity a mystery by honing masks. They have been an active member of the global musical fraternity since 2017 following their debut release. The artists are very passionate about bringing the scope of chill pop into the contemporary scene. Their sound amalgamates the virtues of contemporary flavors while retaining the essence of music at its very basic. The new song only marks an expansion of their musical legacy which is set to impact the audience of the whole world in due time.



They are a masked production duo from Japan who have already made a global impact with their music. They broke into the scene back in 2017 with their debut release with Michael Kaneko. They also later performed at the Spotify On Stage music festival in Indonesia the same year. The following year was one of the biggest in their careers as they took stages across the globe starting from Miami to New York, Japan to Korea. The duo has always considered their project a global musical work has collaborated with numerous artists and singers in their dance-infused production.

Musical Works

Duo AmPm is currently savoring the success of their new single, ‘Everyday’ with Amanda Yung. Their debut single was called ‘Best Part of Us’ in collaboration with Michael Kaneko. ‘Afterglow’, ‘On The Black and White’, ‘Pink Lemonade’, and ‘Is This A Game’ among many others. Through these songs, they collaborated with many new and young musicians who further allowed them to expand their musical knowledge and league. Follow their musical journey and exclusive dance sound on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and their official website.

Check out the song on Youtube: