Promising hip hop star Sha-Bengez is ready to set the bar high with his upcoming EP Bengez Vision 2.0 | aaaDaily Music Roll

Promising hip hop star Sha-Bengez is ready to set the bar high with his upcoming EP Bengez Vision 2.0

Aspiring hip hop artist Sha-Bengez is all set to release his next work of art EP Bengez Vision 2.0 with a promise of unparalleled rhythmic and rhyming magnificence.

Armed with its relatable and innovative rhythmic and literary charms, the musical form of hip hop and rap has gone beyond just a musical genre becoming a way of expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. Determined to impart his positive message to the world, eminent hip hop artist Sha-Bengez molds his life experience into his soundscape unfurling an astonishing acoustic delight that resonates with the listeners on so many levels. After the release of his previous EP Bengez Vision, the gifted rapper has again crafted another masterpiece EP called Bengez Vision 2.0, which is set to release in July, this year.


Keeping his previous works in mind, it is safe to presume that the upcoming EP Bengez Vision 2.0 is going to break all the records on the terms of lyrical and melodic splendour. The preceding EP Bengez Vision consisting of four breathtaking compositions ‘In This’, ‘Lit’, ‘Past Tense’, and ‘Bengez Vision’ showcased his brilliant and hard-hitting verse delivery and killer hooks achieved through the syncopated arrangement of chords. Hailing from the Bronx, Sha-Bengez has recently survived a car crash and made his comeback with more energy and exuberant passion. Bask in his glorious grove and robust rap flow and follow him on Spotify for more updates.

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