Rising Pop Star Starchild Emerges with Their Debut Album 'Hollywood's Sun' on 7th of June, 2024 | Daily Music Roll

Rising Pop Star Starchild Emerges with Their Debut Album ‘Hollywood’s Sun’ on 7th of June, 2024

Author : Hughes Nelson

With fascinating spells and powerful tunes, Starchild debuts with their album ‘Hollywood’s Sun’, with 7 tracks soaking in the charming vibes of Dream and Electro Pop.

Based out of Los Angeles, Starchild has always been keen to indulge some good quality music and now they are releasing their debut album, ‘Hollywood’s Sun’. This album has 7 incredibly made numbers coping with brilliant soundscapes; these tracks are widely engaging and will compel you to listen to them on a loop. The album is going to be released on the 7th of June, 2024. They are bringing light and life to the gloomy nature of today’s releases, radiating the youth with their tracks. He previously offered his debut release ‘Out on the Blvd’ on the 13th of January 2024. The energetic vibes of this release have resonated widely with their audience. The nostalgia and the gripping narrative highly engaged their audience. Hailing from the southern parts of the city of Angeles, the melodious nature of these tracks will boost your mood, uplift your spirit, soothe your heart, and bring the most heartfelt smile to your face.


Up-and-rising Starchild is spreading poetry, combining it with his charming vocals and ecstatic tunes. Each of the number of ‘Hollywood’s Sun’ exudes ethereal and cosmic vibes which makes it more enjoyable for the audience. The gliding dream pop is infused charmingly with electro-pop sound while they also offer soothing West Coast R&B vibes as well. Large investment in the strings and percussion elements, each of these releases is widely fascinating. In this album, you will get the following releases, namely, ‘Come To The Sun’, ‘Golden Chariot’, ‘Out On The Blvd’, ‘Hollywood’s Sun’, ‘T.V.’, ‘We Have The Power’, and ‘Si Se Puede’. The charming narrative emits optimism and hope, which widely resonates with a lot of people. Their tracks are foreshowing inner darkness which can be eliminated by worshiping the sun and the mysticism of the brightest of stars. To know more you can find them on Band Camp, Instagram, and His Official Website.

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