Ryan Whyte Maloney engineers a heartfelt compositor 'I am the one Affirmation Mantra' to spark hope in all | aaaDaily Music Roll

Ryan Whyte Maloney engineers a heartfelt compositor ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’ to spark hope in all

Singer-songwriter Ryan Whyte Maloney embraces various delicate issues and pours out his heart with expressive writing in the latest song ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’.

Ryan Whyte Maloney

Some creations tend to linger in our minds longer than we could imagine. Moving along the same line with his unquestionable artistic flair and thoughtful art of songwriting, singer Ryan Whyte Maloney showcases his unique vocal talent with the new single ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’. The current climate of the pandemic has taken a serious toll on our mental health with thousands suffering from depression and anxiety issues. To help such people regain faith and look forward to a brighter future, the singer has penned down his honest thoughts through this melodic piece that directly connects with the hearts. His powerful words and immersive way of singing makes every moment count as he deeply reflects upon his situation while singing.

The song ‘I am the one Affirmation Mantra’ came into existence when the artist was going through one of the darkest phases of his life and even attempted to commit suicide. Being a silent sufferer of mental health issues, Ryan Whyte Maloney relates with people undergoing the same trauma and hence expresses his heartfelt emotions with his beautiful musicianship. His words penetrate right through the listener’s mind and install a ray of hope with its genuineness. With his deep and impactful voice, the singer convinces the listener to believe in the goodness and wraps the overall production with realness. Hear out the song on his official website.

Website Link: http://www.ryanmaloneythevoice.com/