Santa Barbara Records Brings a Brand New Album CaliAmericana Vol. 2, Releasing on September 22 | Daily Music Roll

Santa Barbara Records Brings a Brand New Album CaliAmericana Vol. 2, Releasing on September 22

Author : Hughes Nelson

Fill your heart with the soothing essence of Americana as Santa Barbara Records is all set to drop its upcoming album ‘CaliAmericana Vol. 2’ on September 22nd.

Are you missing some country flavors that can take you back in the days? Offering a nostalgic punch of emotions, Santa Barbara Records has come up with a brand new album, titled ‘CaliAmericana Vol. 2’ which is scheduled to be released on September 22. This musical compilation is inspired by the legacy and contributions of Kenny Loggins; a musical legend. The artists who have participated in this album project are hailing from Santa Barbara and the central coast, a place that is well-known for diversified musical talents. This album offers a total of 14 tracks performed by various artists like Chris Beland, Glen Phillips, Jackson Gillies, Trevor Bahnson, Katie Skene, and the list goes on.

Chris Beland’s “Return to Pooh” is the lead single from the album that takes the listeners back to the childhood with story of Christopher Robin and Winnie The Pooh. Similarly, there is Glen Phillips with songs like “I’m Alright” and “Hope In The Light” that offer the taste of authentic country flavors. ‘CaliAmericana Vol. 2’ is an ode to Americana music that reflects through each of its tracks. It is not required to say that Santa Barbara Records did an amazing job in crafting this album with all the talented music artists. Stay tuned and follow their official website to know more. You can also find more information on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

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