Siena Bjørn creates a mellow track about struggle of the creative process and the strength it takes to keep going – 'Dissonance' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Siena Bjørn creates a mellow track about struggle of the creative process and the strength it takes to keep going – ‘Dissonance’

The talented actress and singer, Siena Bjørn, revives her soul with the sweetness that helps her overcome the quarantine challenge and take charge with the song ‘Dissonance’.

Siena Bjørn

Quarantine in 2020 played a dubious role for everyone. Some people were swept away by the ingenious realization about their surroundings and some fell deep in the trench of disappointments and banality. The cycle of tedious passing days and monotonous chase after achievements made the angelic singer Siena Bjørn bored. She was on the verge of producing blocked ideas and losing patience to make exquisite music like she used to do. Thankfully, she and a friend of hers, an ingenious Liberian/American recording artist & songwriter, Moeazy, collaborated, and boom. An exchange of exploding ideas set the mood for her new track Dissonance’, which is currently stealing streams on Spotify.

Siena Bjørn is a talented contemporary singer with choppy and jazzy vocals who created a sensation with beautiful single such as ‘Foul Mouthed’ and ‘Thoughts in Spring (So in Love)’. She slides between the R&B reverb and funks of jazz in ‘Dissonance’. Her demand is gradually increasing in the populous contemporary scene. She collaborates with the rapper Moeazy and turns the soundscape into airy, syncopated verses. Her synthetic voice and charismatic attitude become an international hit with infused R&B cadence and soothing jazz lilts. She sings about her lack of desire to keep her creative writing process going, and the struggles of finding inspiration for new music. Get it on Spotify and Instagram!