Smoov Bully Takes the Hip-Hop Style of Music to a Whole New Level in his Recent Release 'No More' | Daily Music Roll

Smoov Bully Takes the Hip-Hop Style of Music to a Whole New Level in his Recent Release ‘No More’

Smoov Bully is a popular hip-hop artist from the United States whose tracks will give your ears the fulfillment of joy that music is being created to hit your soul to its full capacity. He truly has a unique personality that comes out through his music. He fuses hip-hop sound with an energetic rap performance that is effective and quickly captivates the audience’s attention. The artist’s humble nature easily connects to the listeners through his lyrics as he confidently confesses his honest feelings not with any guilt or throwing blame but with a hopeful arrangement.

Smoov Bully

The artist has released a new soundtrack No More under his label 11717 which sees him pour out his honest sentiments in a musical way. From the very first beat of the song, you are taken to a place of serenity. When the music streams and his voice kick in, the listener gets an energetic feeling hitting straight to the soul. His strong and confident rap delivery has a magical effect and shows the artist’s ability to light up the room. The voice, the story, the musical direction everything is perfectly crafted to give the performer the credit he rightfully deserves. The songwriting presents his love for a woman and even the vulnerability with a natural expression. He deeply conveys the emotional impact he had after he lost the love of his life. Smoov Bully performs in a heart touching way and makes you feel involved with his lyrics. Find his tracks on Soundcloud and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more updates.


Just go for this track ‘No More’ by Smoov Bully :