Songwriting Tips: 7 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write A Song | Daily Music Roll

Songwriting Tips: 7 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write A Song

Author : Jennifer Stone

Songwriting is an indispensable factor in creating music but writing a song does not come easily. So, here are 7 important tips that will motivate you to write a song.

Music might be the most popular form of art around the world. People listen to music for various reasons, they listen to music to relate, to feel emotions, to pass time, or just because they like it. It is extremely hard to find a person who does not listen to music, but what makes it so addictive? Is it the beats? Is it the voice? Or is it the lyrics? It is quite difficult to figure out However one thing is clear every aspect of music is equally important in creating tracks that we all love and enjoy. So, if you are a songwriter, you must realize how important songwriting is in creating an exceptional track.

But, it is not easy to write something that can turn into a musical track. Songwriting is extremely intimate as it is one of the most emotionally revealing things any human being can do. Music lovers listen to human stories by the way of lyrics.  But to gather the motivation while writing a track is often difficult. There might be some days when you can finish writing an entire album and there are days when it would be impossible for you to even write a word. Great songwriters of this generation like Marina & the Diamonds, Amy Lee, Sia, Taylor Swift, Alex Turner, etc. will also agree with this. So here are 7 essential tips that will help you gain motivation to finally write a song or even better, finish one. Keep on reading to find that out.


Listen to challenging music:  

Listen to music

If you are already a songwriter then you realize the importance of music-listening experiences. The experiences will inspire you to write and create something similar or go above and beyond. Music listening experiences are equally important as real-life experiences. But if you don’t step outside of your comfort zone these experiences will be easy to forget as this is what you listen to every day. so, make sure you discover new music or listen to something that is not what you usually listen to. Only then you will feel the initial spark that attracted you to write music in the first place.


Set up your own space at home: 

own space at home

Even though it sounds very simple, having your own place where you can go and write about anything you want can do great for your songwriting career. This is why the term,’ writer’s corner’ is so popular, and getting one for yourself will work as a motivational factor. It can be your living room, dining room, or just a place with a desk and your essentials on, you might feel the urge to write. You can keep your writing tools aside, such as your guitar, rhyming dictionary, laptop, etc.


Set aside a particular time during the day: 

Since music is not just a part of your life, but also your identity and income, the responsibility of writing music should be on your priority list. Select a particular time every day to write music, and stick to that.


Create a schedule: 

Create a schedule

Bring sincerity into your life, it will definitely motivate you to work as planned. Create some short-term goals and plan a schedule to achieve those goals every day. If you do not feel motivated to write music it might be because you do not know where or when to start and setting a clear schedule can help with that. It will bring indiscipline and make you more professional, both of which work great as motivational factors.


Keep a file of unfinished tracks: 

When you sit to write, it is hard staring at a blank page and having no motivation or thought on what to write. In this situation, unfinished songs can be motivating. So, from now on when you do not feel like starting with a fresh idea, keep checking on those unfinished tracks, and start from a similar or different perspective.


Focus on the”5-minute rule”: 

5-minute rule

It is one of the highly effective things that will get your songwriter self back on track. On those days, when you are really struggling with something to write, tell yourself you only have to sit down and write for 5 minutes. In this way, even if after five minutes you could not write anything, at least you have tried. Sometimes, taking the pressure off yourself can work as the biggest motivator.


Get a co-writer: 

Get a co-writer

What can be better than companionship? When you have someone who counts on you and depends on you to show up and work, you will feel extra motivated to work. Similarly, when you hire a co-writer, keeping aside new ideas, new lyrics, and new perspectives for writing, you will have to deliver something. It can even turn out to be better than it would have if it was done separately. So, if you have not co-written a song yet, this is the best time to start.

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