The album "SHUT" by Mike Ra is finally out! | Daily Music Roll

The album “SHUT” by Mike Ra is finally out!

Author : Hughes Nelson

This masterpiece of 14 tracks has been in the works since November 2022, and it was absolutely worth all the wait.

After waiting for so long, the time has come that we all have been waiting for – the release of a new album by Mike Ra, SHUT.

SHUT” begins with the smashing “Black Necromancy,” a melding combination of hard-hitting metal and gritty hip-hop designed to grab your attention right away. Then, the record takes an intellectual turn with songs such as “Human” and “Government Zombie,” which exhibit Mike Ra’s amazing lyrical skills.

Government Zombie” is particularly notable because this is actually the leading song on the album. Featuring an awesome guitar solo in its bridge this controversial tune deals with problems of government overreach, racial profiling and tax collection. It’s a stadium single— beautifully executed and produced: as genuine as it gets.

Another standout song is “Lost in Time.” People say that it is what everyone will be happy to hear on radio stations today. Also, there’s another one called “Anubis,” which, according to Mike Ra himself, happens to be “…the best song on my album.” Even though he admits it’s hard to explain however, no one can deny how strongly the emotional track radiates from itself.

Perhaps most impressive about SHUT is that every aspect of its creation was taken care of by just Mike Ra alone. He executively produced the entire tape; played all guitar solos including synth parts and even did cover art. No other artists were involved here – not any ghost writers or co-writers; this work is purely personal effort evident in rawness and purity of music.

In fact, Mike Ra insists that he never used artificial intelligence when making this album. In his own words, he went so far as to abandon quantization, thereby ensuring an authentic performance that was done by hand. This is a bold statement in a world where AI-assisted music creation is increasingly becoming the norm.

When asked about the emotions he hopes listeners will take away from “SHUT,” Mike Ra is refreshingly candid. “Have fun. Go crazy. Cry. Scream. Jump. Shout,” he says. “It’s an album designed for live shows.” He goes on to explain that he wants the album to inspire creativity, particularly in younger audiences who might look at artificial intelligence as a crutch.

It’s obvious that Mike Ra put his heart and soul into this album, resulting in a strong and uncompromising work of art that will not be forgotten easily by whoever hears it. Whether you have been listening to his music or are just discovering it now, “SHUT” is an album that demands your attention.

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