The Newest Gem in the Music Industry, Seth Jacobsen, Releases Debut Single 'Count on Me' That will Take Your Breath Away | aaaDaily Music Roll

The Newest Gem in the Music Industry, Seth Jacobsen, Releases Debut Single ‘Count on Me’ That will Take Your Breath Away

Seth Jacobsen has established a compelling melodic fusion with his choice of rhythms and vocal performance in his new song, ‘Count on Me’.

Seth Jacobsen

Music only becomes iconic when it comes straight from the creator’s heart. Young and talented singer-songwriter Seth Jacobsen becomes so much attached to the songs he is singing that they become exceptionally penetrating for the listeners. He has finally made his presence known in the music industry with his debut single Count on Me released recently on major streaming platforms. The song has an unbelievably exuberant rhythmic flow that charges up the listener and brings them instantly to the dance floor. The song offers a brilliant message that the audience can count on him for more exciting and engaging music in the future.

Hailing from New York, Seth has been singing since he was only four. He has written his first-ever song, ‘Count on Me,’ all by himself. Produced with Dylan Ronan, Seth Jacobsen has made sure to use a fusion of groovy and unique resonance with witty and charming lyrics giving birth to a symphony of pure perfection. The track was mixed and mastered by Steven Clark at Clear Track Studios in Clearwater, Florida. His magnetic vocal performance enhances the sonic brilliance of the song and hits straight in the hearts of the listeners. Follow Seth Jacobsen on Spotify and Apple Music for more updates.

Link to the single: