Virginia Beach Rapper Truefatgod Brings Light to the Coronavirus Outbreak | aaaDaily Music Roll

Virginia Beach Rapper Truefatgod Brings Light to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Rather locally known rapper and songwriter ​Truefatgod recently released a new single in regards to the global coronavirus outbreak.


This new single, which was titled “​Quarentine​” (which was purposely spelled incorrectly) shows his humorous outlook on the situation. Although he is not the first hip-hop artist to make a humorous song about quarantine, it was very surprising to his fans. A couple days prior to the release of “Quarentine, ​Truefatgod announced on his ​Instagram that he would be releasing an album in December of 2020; With that being said, his supporters didn’t expect any new music until then. This strategy seems to work for him but if I do say so myself, it seems kind of mysterious. Truefatgod has always been a rather mysterious hip-hop artist because unlike many artists, he manages to build his fanbase while still only releasing snippets. With that being said, Truefatgod will definitely be relevant for years to come if he keeps doing what he’s doing.