Artist Gad's New Song 'ADHD' is a Personal Account Written through the Verses of Pop and Hip Hop | aaaDaily Music Roll

Artist Gad’s New Song ‘ADHD’ is a Personal Account Written through the Verses of Pop and Hip Hop

Gage A. Dupper who goes by the stage name Gad came out with the single, ADHD reflecting acceptance and personal quests. It defines an ordeal of the protagonist suffering from ADHD and how it impacts social and personal well-being. The song’s vibe is hyper and crazy and follows a blended course of contemporary pop and hip hop essentials.


Daily Music Roll: Pop and hip hop is the current wave of engagement among audiences. What sets you apart from the rest?

Gad: Everything. My story, my motivation, ambition, personality and sound. Everyone is a brand-new generic now. Music is getting further away from telling genuine stories and focusing on social status. I try my best to relay chapters of my life and important things to me through music. And I’m improving how I do that and sound every day.

Daily Music Roll: Genre-bending styles are common. Do you think it offers more creative independence?

Gad: I think so. If you’re like me and have a hard time focusing, the last thing you want to do is build your passion in a box. You lose so much working room when you tell yourself you can’t sound a certain way. Sure I think there is a limit on how far that extends, but I feel having some breathing room can keep your music from becoming stale.

Daily Music Roll: What do you think the audience demands from pop and hip hop artists nowadays?

Gad: This may sound weird, but my answer to this question is “Not enough where it counts”. I’ve seen music with no passion. I’ve seen artists with no soul left. Sure they might have a nice little melody in some releases, but I think generally there is too much music with no love in the mixture. Cash grabs. And once you gain a following it becomes more likely and easier to just throw something together and not truly create. That’s not to say there aren’t some amazing artists. So “Not enough where it counts.”

Daily Music Roll: What according to you is the best form of promotion for a musician?

Gad: To me right now having connections would be the best start to promotions. You could spend every dime you have on an ad campaign through Google or Facebook but in the end, neither may be as effective as being shared by others with dedicated followers. And that is extremely difficult for people like me who are nonsocial.

Daily Music Roll: Do you feel that music videos are important in captivating the audience?

Gad: For sure. Music videos help tell a story. Whether it be straightforward or through metaphors and graphics. And who doesn’t enjoy a well-put-together video? I’d love to make one with a big budget, but I am still quite new trying to keep a steady flow of content which alone costs money. Soon hopefully.

Daily Music Roll: Your lyrics are very personal. Do you feel that music is an important aspect of your being?

Gad: It’s everything. I find myself working through exhausting nights on things I may never release. Through relentless doubt Just trying so desperately to improve. I have never been able to focus so long on one “hobby”. So I know that music is not just a hobby, it’s my passion.

Daily Music Roll: Hip hop is often about explicit content. Do you feel it is a necessity?

Gad: I’m not always rated E for everyone but I try to keep away from using those crutches often. I don’t think (personally) it’s necessary but there very well maybe that audience that doesn’t like “Watered down” music.

Daily Music Roll: Can music change mass socio-political opinions?

Gad: More than anyone could know. Everyone’s seen and heard it happen before. Knowingly or not. Many people are conditioned. And music is a massive source of conditioning. But a lot of people are ok being sheepish or losing a unique personality. I think kids just don’t know who they are these days, so they’re willing to be influenced by anyone. That’s why we have tons of “INFLUENCERS”

Daily Music Roll: What inspires you to sit down and write music as your daily dose of enjoyable commitment?

Gad: Proving myself and others wrong. I want to be happy, and I can be happy. Entertaining brings me joy. And just as important, if I can make someone else who is hurting to feel a little better? Then I’m getting somewhere in life.

Daily Music Roll: Which artists inspire you the most?

Gad: Ryan Caraveo and Confetti

Daily Music Roll: What is the future of pop and hip hop according to you?

Gad: I have no idea. But thinking realistically I’d say it’s worrying. I just hope I can be a part of making it better. For everyone.

Daily Music Roll: Do you wish to tread across other genres in your soundscape?

Gad: I think I’ve found home in my mix of Pop and Hip Hop. I just need to continue focusing on refining my quality and audience reach from here.