AztroGrizz changes the world of rap and beats with their high energy performance in 'Buddy Guy' | aaaDaily Music Roll

AztroGrizz changes the world of rap and beats with their high energy performance in ‘Buddy Guy’

Using high beat energy to deliver his records, supremely talented band AztroGrizz gets the music industry grooving on their music as they release their latest single. The song is a beat-driven rock kind of track that entertains a catchy rap presentation during the midriff. Titled as Buddy Guy, the track is extremely hard-hitting and the lead singer’s voice does more than justice to the soundscape to make it sound thrilling. Kicking into gear with the inescapable electronic guitar riff, the track emerges with a brilliant fusion of fresh immersive beats and authentic punk rock music that keeps the audience on their toes throughout.

Great set up and structure, and also magnetic instrumentals have been arranged skillfully that gives the songwriting a uniquely refreshing direction. From lyrical weirdness to the passionate outburst to desperately increasing tempos everything has been articulated with finesse to give out an anthemic sound. The unforgettable club banging music which always has the rapper’s voice at par keeps things engaging and highly appealing. The pace remains catchy and the performance quality of all the band members remains high and fully energetic that compels the audience to groove endlessly to the groundbreaking music.


Recently our team had the privilege to interview the prolific boys of AztroGrizz and they were more than willing to share their journey with us.

What inspired you to create such heavy club banging music?

Like most of our music, it just came from the heart. We love hopscotching genres because we love changing it up.

How do you think your music is going to change the world around you?

My hope is that it gets people to stop taking themselves so seriously. We hope to reach folks in the hip hop community and beyond. Just when they love the style of one song we will completely switch directions on them and see if they will stay on board this crazy train!

What is your take on the future of rock and rap music?

Like anything, there will always be fads. A certain style comes out that hits and hundreds if not thousands of aspiring artists will try and jump on and imitate a style. By the time they get good at a style that isn’t themselves. Boom. A new fad is in. The best artists stay true to themselves and hopefully have a deep connection with their audience, big or small.

Tell us one thing that is unique to your band.

Our versatility in both style and content.

When is your next live performance?

With everything going on, show dates are still TBD but we are working on some of the biggest things we have ever been apart of at the moment.

Do you admire any new age band?

21 Pilots have a good thing going. Post Malone is fun to watch the progress. Plenty more but those were the first to come to my head.

What is that one reason behind the success of your team?

Sterling and I just have great chemistry as friends, musically, and there is a very solid mutual respect. We both realize that the music is bigger than ourselves as individuals and we just love the journey.

Is there any new project on which you are working on right now?

Yes! We have a lot of gems from the last year that is ready to release as well as new stuff that we are both super happy with.

How do you drive such energy and enthusiasm in all your tracks?

We’ve done enough live performances to know that our set needs to pack a lot of punch. When the songs have energy, we have energy, then the crowd has energy. It makes for an electric evening.

What would you like to tell your fans?

Our last music video Buddy Guy was dedicated to you during these crazy times. We had a lot of our fans participate in the video during the quarantine to show our appreciation but we also thought it would give a lot of people something fun to do and put their brain on for a minute. Thank You!

Your latest track has received an outstanding response from the audience, what would you like to say about it?

This is only the beginning.

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