Bari Bandzz has etched out plenty of energy in his latest track from the enticing music video 'Situationz' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Bari Bandzz has etched out plenty of energy in his latest track from the enticing music video ‘Situationz’

Plenty of energy is belted out by the brilliant rapper Bari Bandzz. He has created a lot of fan frenzy with his magnificent track Situationz’. The singer is based out of Saint Paul and has learned the tricks of rapping from the harsh realities of the streets. He has soared up the mercury level with the cracking beats and flabbergasting rhythm in his tracks. He has spent the nights on the floors sleeping in hard tiles and that made his tracks more relatable that is etched out with a dash of reality. He lives to be a rapper and his humility has attracted the attention of the audiences. Some of his popular tracks are ‘Okay’ which has struck an instant chord with the audiences. His struggle for existence has made him the rapper he is today. To watch the riveting music videos by the singer the fans can log on to popular trending platforms like YouTube.

We congratulated the singer on his recent success and he agreed to an interview as soon as we asked for it. His positive gesture has stolen our hearts as he answered some questions about his personal life and professional front. Here are a few excerpts from the interview.

Bari Bandzz

Q: What is your very first experience of rapping and how did you got attracted to the genre and thought of taking the plunge?

Answer: I started off in front of the TVs at home watching the BET Awards thinking to myself like “dam” that’s gonna be me one day. Lil Wayne has always been my biggest Motive for wanting to do music.

Q: Did you go through a lot of hurdles at the beginning when you started or did you have a mentor whose support has made it easy for you to make a name?

Answer: I’ve always been my own mentor but will always take positive advice. It’s never easy climbing out of that whole. Some of us don’t have NOBODY. I’ve always kept it real and that’s what you can hear in my music as well. Gotta be Humble & Patient. But still, go hunt!

Q: Why did you opt for rapping? Was there any kind of influence during your formative years or you got inspired by some iconic legends in the rap genre?

Answer: Started rapping in the basement with my Big Cousin “Cequo”. With him living next door to me it was always easy to go record at any time and take control of my craft. Before that music has just always been my Key to Freedom & escape. Lil Wayne has always given me the vision to see that you can be or do whatever it is in life that you want. So yes I’m on the grind baby!

Q: Was there any member of the family who has supported you through thick and thins while you are struggling to be a rapper or you fought on your own?

Answer: I’ve fought on my own. There have been times I’ve had support from family and close friends and they gave up on me. So now I support myself before anyone does and it took me a while to build that self-confidence up to say I don’t need certain people. It only made me stronger and more desperate to stick my entire head in the Music Industry Door.

Q: Do you have any regret in your long and chequered career and want to change those aspects if you get an option to turn back the clock?

Answer: I have no regrets. The struggles I’ve faced have made me numb and fearless. I refuse to let my past life or ANYTHING stop me.

Q: Have you achieved everything that you set out for or do you think there is always something left to be achieved?

Answer: As long as you’re breathing on this earth there are never enough achievements. Especially in the Music Industry. You keep going. Might even wanna change the wave a few times and give ppl a different taste. Like my song “Drip” is on All Major Platforms and in All Stores.

Q: How do you manage to find some time to spend time with your close ones and family members? Do you relax by going for a vacation or just be at home when you are free?

Answer: I make time for others as I go. And that could be every blue moon. Right now my MAIN focuses is my Music Career because that’s EVERYTHING in me. And my girl and my kids, and least but not last, some immediate family. But the ones sticking around through it all will be BLESSED.

Q: Does the constant media attention and adulation of fans bother you or do you take it as a professional hazard that every celebrity singer has to go through?

Answer: Media attention is one of The Most important things in the industry today. I want ALL of it rather it’s good or bad.

Q: How do you prepare yourself to perform in front of big crowds and make subtle changes to dish out a scintillating show?

Answer: I always say to myself. Go hard or Go home. I love what I do so with that being said the bigger the crowd the harder I go!

Q: Does the year-long lockdown on account of covid-19 took a toll on you mentally or have you made most of the time and come out stronger as a performer?

Answer: Unlike tons of other Artists, covid has not stopped me and will not stop me. I’ve actually been Quarantining getting better by the day now. Still making moves and still getting money. It doesn’t stop here. Like my song “Okay”. It’s gonna be ok just keep pushing. Words of my Granny Dorothy Jean Horton.

Q: Are you a go-getter who is more driven by instinct or sometimes you do put a check on your spontaneity and restrain the flow?

Answer: I’m definitely an instinct go-getter. Pretty instinct with most things. Although sometimes I’ll even it out and mellow the paste.

Q: Which arena in the world gives you the adrenaline rush to perform to the best of your ability or do you treat every performance of yours with the same conviction?

Answer: I’m gonna go hard wherever. I don’t care if it was a baseball game and 0 below freezing outside, I’m going to “do my thang”. Always bringing 100% This is MY LIFE.