Celebrate the Life and the Journey of Life With Aj Mclovely and Her Heart-Melting Number 'Breathe' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Celebrate the Life and the Journey of Life With Aj Mclovely and Her Heart-Melting Number ‘Breathe’

Extremely prolific artist Aj Mclovely is celebrating life and every moment of it with her exceptional track. Being widely famous she has decided to be back on the stage for more indulging tracks soaked in her musical supremacy. Her Breathe will make your heart melt with the soothing yet overwhelming rejoices of living.

From cinematic brilliance in her video to her undeniably magical voice and her heavenly aura will fascinate any music lover deeply. Her musical self as well as her gifted talents are widely appreciated by her audience. Aj Mclovely is synonymous with melody and musical brilliance.


DMR: What should we call you apart from your lovely name? 

Aj Mclovely: Aj, it is short for Amanda-Jane and has just kind of stuck throughout the years.

DMR: Can you share more about this beautiful track ‘Breathe’?

Aj Mclovely: Yes, of course.
Breathe was written by myself after i was inspired on the school run one morning.
It is about loss and how we are affected after someone we love dies.
This was my take on how i deal with those tough days, when you really miss them, and I felt it was a beautiful sentiment to imagine them living on all around us in everything we do in our daily lives.

DMR: You have said that you were 10 and since then you have been in love with music. But when have you decided that you want to pursue music as a career?

Aj Mclovely: I was singing as soon as i could talk but I would say i was about 10 when i really got “into” my music.
I didnt decide I wanted to pursue a career in music until much later on in life-my early twenties.
I dabbled in a few bits and pieces in my early to mid twenties but then got married and had two children close together, and so focused on family life.  I only really got back into it again when my life circumstances changed massively and music became my release, my happy place and what kept me going-that was in my thirties.

DMR: Any childhood memory regarding music or performing that you would like to share with your fans?

Aj Mclovely: Yes.  Quite a few but the main ones would be, performing in a talent show in my final year at secondary school, as a spice girls tribute act-it was amazing fun and we choreographed dance routines and everything and another one would be performing on stage at the emmerdale extravaganza event in Aberdeenshire-the only time my late dad and late grandad ever saw me perform. I sang Faith Hill’s, There You’ll Be and Alanah Myles’, Black Velvet.

DMR: You have a huge fan base from around the globe, what is the next goal you are setting to achieve? 

Aj Mclovely: Thank you.
I feel very blessed to have the following I have all around the globe.  I believe lockdown really helped with that. It brought a lot of people together online.
My next goal would be to keep on growing!
Already Breathe has been played at funerals, Hold On has saved lives and Bleeding Heart has had many people up dancing at gigs.  I believe music should be shared and affect people.  If your music can touch just one person, that is a gift but ideally i would like it to touch many more people and affect their life in a postive way.

DMR: Are you willing to collaborate with your contemporaries to make songs or do you want to keep this journey an individual one?

Aj Mclovely: Yes, i really enjoy collaborating with others and have done already.
Its really nice to work on something with another person or persons and it’s lovely for connecting.
I do love my solo work but i also love to be a part of something.

DMR: Please share what are the genres you follow or want to follow in your upcoming tracks apart from folk. Or do you want to stick to folk music and deliver more numbers soaked in these charming folk vibes?

Aj Mclovely: To be honest I’ve never really put myself in one particular genre.
I would say im quite diverse like that, not only in my tastes in music but also in my own tracks-the EP really showcases this.
I would say i have a strong country vibe(with Breathe) and i do LOVE country music, as it tells a story and I am a fan of many female country artists, however i LOVE dance and trance music also, and I really enjoy working on dancier projects too.
I wouldnt really rule anything out but as I’m learning guitar at the moment, i feel that country and folk are probably more the vibe I am heading for.

DMR: The charismatic video of the song is a treat to watch, and the greenery is just beautiful to witness, and this cinematic celebration of life was brilliant. Is there any memory that you have while filming this video, would you share it with us?

Aj Mclovely: Thank you.  I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Because of the lyrics of Breathe-i really wanted the video to encapsulate nature and the feeling of loved ones being all around us.
I am a huge fan of nature and its healing vibes, and i knew in my mind exactly what i wanted for the video.
The location is a place thats very special to my heart and almost magical.
We were on set very early in the morning, it was drizzly and dreich, as they say in Scotland, but it all just kind of worked.
My favourite memory of the video was the toadstool.  The most fantastic bright red, big toadstool(im a huge fan of photographing mushrooms and know quite a lot about them so it was amazing to have this WITHOUT any special effects).  I just love me walking past in bare feet as its just so grounding, but also has a real fairytale feel to it.

DMR: Would you like to share any suggestions for your emerging music artist that they should while pursuing this career?

Aj Mclovely: Do it because you love it.
This industry is brutal, difficult and more often than not about money and/or who you know.
There are loads of fantastic artists out there who have never “made it” on a big scale or made much money from their music, singers and musicians who have never been heard of because its such a difficult industry to break in to.
Remember WHY you do what you do and keep making music because it makes you happy and its what you love.
If you do it for fame and money, you are in it for the wrong reasons.

DMR: Are you working on any projects now can you share a glimpse of what you are working on?

Aj Mclovely: Yes, i am working on my 5th single – The World Hasn’t Stopped Turning.
Its another country type ballad.
The song and melody are fully in place, i am just looking for the right musician or team of musicians to bring it to life.

DMR: Apart from music what are the things that you like to do or you enjoy doing? 

Aj Mclovely: I am massively into nature and nature/wildlife photography.
In fact my music page is pretty well known for my nature lives, where i go to various locations, and also my garden, and film the beautiful scenery and wildlife.
My garden is a little wildlife sanctuary and i have filmed fox, deer, mice, badgers, birds and so much more to share with my fans.
I also love working out, especially boxing, cooking, I’m a total foodie, and LOVE fine dining, and just chilling with good company, usually around a fire pit, nice glass of red and some tunes on.

DMR: Any messages for your fans? Where they can find you or listen to your songs?

Aj Mclovely: Yes.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported me on my journey so far.  I could not have done it without you.
For anyone new to AjMclovely, you can find me at www.ajmclovely.co.uk, my music website (where you can also purchase my music and merch). My music is available on all leading music platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon etc, and of course, my facebook page AjMclovely. I always welcome new followers, as its crucial to keep growing.  My page has a unique almost family vibe and i am very proud of what has been created.

Thank you very much for the interview and for your support.

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