Citizen Odin addresses Societal Issues Through His Latest Concept Album 'OK Boomer!' | Daily Music Roll

Citizen Odin addresses Societal Issues Through His Latest Concept Album ‘OK Boomer!’

Are you looking for a musical project that can intrigue you? Citizen Odin’s latest album ‘OK Boomer!’ will
definitely make you rethink life and society.

Citizen Odin

Are you looking for a musical project that can intrigue you? Citizen Odin’s latest album ‘OK Boomer!’ will definitely make you rethink life and society. This latest album consists of a total of 17 powerful indie tracks and each of them is a masterpiece. The artist has been diagnosed with Menieres Disease and he is close to losing his hearing ability. Declaring the last musical project, the upcoming album will be based on an anti-war theme, featuring Ukrainian music artists. We thank the artist for sharing a few words with us.

DMR: Congratulations on the release of ‘OK Boomer!’. What are your personal views on this musical

Citizen Odin: Thank you very much. OK Boomer is a project we have put a lot of energy and soul into, so I am very happy that it has come out, and not least that it has been very well received. It is about a number of the most discussed topics of the time such as #MeToo, Cancel culture and not least digital bullying. Bullying in particular is very close to my heart. Young people today can be bullied 24 hours a day. In the past, it might have been during school hours only, but now, with all digital platforms, there is never peace.

DMR: You have a unique style of indie music. How did you come up with the genre and style?

Citizen Odin: The style is a mix of my own background in indierock music, and then my producer, who has roots in hip hop music. It has become a very special sound universe that forms a bridge between the two genres. We have both wanted to be inspired by each other, and have both entered the project with an open mind.

DMR: Did you develop your passion for music in childhood? When did you embark on your journey?

Citizen Odin: I think I really got caught up in music in my teenage years. I played in various bands that were more enthusiastic than skilled. But then the music slipped a bit into the background. When we then experienced the major Covid-19 shutdown, there was suddenly plenty of time, and then interest began to return. This led to the 2020 album Coward-19, which is a typical DIY album recorded at home, which then again led to a deal with the young label Lazarus Music Group, who then released OK Boomer.

DMR: It is unfortunate to know about the diagnosis. Since you have already declared your last music
album, should we consider this your retirement from the music industry?

Citizen Odin: Yes unfortunately. I have already lost part of my hearing and it continues to go the wrong way, so the upcoming album that we record in the spring of 2023 will be the last. It’s sad to think about, but also nice to know that we’re hopefully just getting to one last album.

DMR: Your album and music projects always shed light on the hottest topics and current issues of society.
How do the thoughts occur in your mind? Do you write them?

Citizen Odin: Really good question. Coward-19 was inspired by me staying at home during the pandemic, and I naturally had a number of thoughts about this. Okay Boomer! was more random. I wrote a series of lyrics, and suddenly there was a common thread in the lyrics, and then the idea came that it could end up in a concept album.

DMR: Do you think music has the ability to bring a change in society?

Citizen Odin: I hope so. But I don’t think one artist alone does it. But if many embrace the same messages, it will have an impact. Definitely.

DMR: Name some of your creative influences who inspired you a lot.

Citizen Odin: Definitely the older great masters. David Bowie, The Beatles, Bryan Ferry and Leonard Cohen. But also younger artists with a unique expression, such as Billie Eilish.

DMR: You are planning to record your upcoming album in Ukraine while featuring artists from the
country. Please shed more light on this highly anticipated project.

Citizen Odin: The album itself is recorded in Denmark, but on one of the tracks, I would like to use the Ukrainian instrument called Bandura. It has a very special sound, and I am in dialogue with a couple of Ukrainian musicians about participating. They will then record the bandura in Ukraine, and the tracks will then be mixed in Denmark.

DMR: What do you think about the modern music industry?

Citizen Odin: Uh, here I have to be careful not to sound too old, LOL. I feel that a lot of new music is more about looking good than being creative and innovative. If you have good looks and a good producer, you can go far. That is completely wrong. Here it is that I am, for example, inspired by Billie Eilish. She has something on her mind, she thinks music. She is developing her own sound and expression. She is a real artist.

DMR: Any tips for emerging music artists in the industry?

Citizen Odin: First and foremost, trust yourself. If you don’t have a big record company behind you, then you have to prepare for a lot of rejections before you get anywhere. This applies to media, venues, radio stations. Many go for the safe, and do not look for the unique and challenging.

DMR: Your songs revolve around some intriguing subject matter. Do you find music as a medium of

Citizen Odin: It can be. I want to use music to express my thoughts when I really have something on my mind. Of course I also just write simple love songs once in a while, but yes, music is a powerful medium for powerful opinions.

DMR: Would you like to share a message with your fans and eager listeners?

Citizen Odin: First of all, take care of each other. Fight bullying, it’s a matter of the heart. Don’t just refrain from bullying, but actively intervene if you experience others being bullied. And then be musically curious. There are a lot of exciting artists who never make it to Billboard, but still make insanely good music.

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