Danny & Elli Are Coming With an Exciting and Refreshing Track 'Cheap Motels' | aaaDaily Music Roll

Danny & Elli Are Coming With an Exciting and Refreshing Track ‘Cheap Motels’

Danny & Elli are releasing their original song ‘Cheap Motels’ on February 14th, 2025. The couple from Greece has previously got their fans excited with covers and other tracks. Now they are finally releasing something of their own and the song has already created some anticipation among their followers. The track gives listeners a complete surreal experience backed by musical brilliance, presenting a refreshing rock tune that resonates with you. From lyrics, and productions to the vocals, everything on the track screams creativity. We recently had an opportunity to sit with them and have a conversation. So, let’s see what we talked about –

Danny & Elli

DMR:Hello Danny and Elli. First of all, congratulations on the track that is going to be released on the 14th. How excited are you about your fans who will finally be able to listen to this?

Danny & Elli: Hello everyone! We are very excited and we hope our fans like our single even if it has nothing to do with Valentine’s day!

DMR: What was the creative process like behind the song? Did you start with the melody or lyrics?

Danny & Elli: Danny wrote the melody first, it was a matter of two days! He came one day out of the blue and said “I composed something do you want to listen to it?” I was thrilled! I finished writing the lyrics in a couple of days too!

DMR: Can you describe the process of writing the song together as a couple?

Danny & Elli: There is a safe space between us where we can easily brainstorm and speak our minds without being judged from third parties. However being in a relationship can bring bigger tensions too when it comes to creating something together! We are both dynamic personalities so fighting about an idea or suggestion is definitely our thing. But at the end we make it work.

DMR: Do you bring each other’s’ strength to the table as musicians?

Danny & Elli: For sure! There is a mutual admiration and respect for this collaboration, we know our strengths and weaknesses very well so everytime we try to help each other and remind each other our best qualities.

DMR: What is the dynamic like in terms of your individual roles as musicians? Is it fluid? Or are you guys in charge of different departments?

Danny & Elli: We are in charge of different departments but there are times that the lines blur. For example if I get stuck in a vocal technique Danny will help me understand what Im doing wrong. If he is indecisive about which guitar he should use or is uncertain about a melody I come in to put him back on track.

DMR: How does this song reflect on your personal experiences?

Danny & Elli: The story is more of a fantasy and less of a personal experience! But who hasn’t done that even for one night..!

DMR: Do you think that your bond as a couple manifests in your music?

Danny & Elli: It’s 100% personal! The whole process from the beginning till the end is about us being in a relationship and also being partners in this project. So yes the music you listen to is a product of our bond, our digital child!

DMR: Has your music partnership changed the way you approach songwriting and performance?

Danny & Elli: Definitely! Danny was more into metal, progressive rock and new metal genres where as I was more drawn into the rock pop, indie and electronica scene. So to make music together we had to establish a middle ground which gave us a new perspective to everything else!

DMR: If you could describe the song in just a few words, or a phrase, what would it be?

Danny & Elli: Value yourself, love yourself!

DMR: Are there any particular moments in your musical journey where you felt this hybrid sound truly came from?

Danny & Elli: It’s a mix of many things. Our music influences for one but mostly our chemistry. The particular sound was inspired in the beginning of our musical journey and we thought “Ok, this is good, let’s do it”!

DMR: Is there a specific story or message that you wanted to deliver with this song?

Danny & Elli: There is nothing more powerful in the world than a woman who realises her worth. The chains we sometimes feel holding us back is just a state of mind! Cut them! Live your life in your own terms!

DMR: What can your fans expect from you in the future?

Danny & Elli: We are currently working on our debut album so they have plenty to look forward to in the very near future! A big kiss to all of our fans!

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