Deckard Croix Assures Taking Listeners to a Different Dimension with His Album 'French Diseases of the Soul' | Daily Music Roll

Deckard Croix Assures Taking Listeners to a Different Dimension with His Album ‘French Diseases of the Soul’

Dynamic music artist and trailblazer, Deckard Croix is ready to captivate his fans again with a brand album named French Diseases of the Soul which feels unworldly. Croix has done a wonderful job in crafting this album that offers a total of new singles. Each of the songs is masterfully crafted to offer a perfect combination of psychedelic music, ambient grooves, and deeply engaging vocals. There is a dark soundscape that offers a blend of poignancy and optimism. Let’s find out more from Croix himself.

Deckard Croix

DMR: How did you come up with the idea of ‘French Diseases of the Soul’?

Deckard Croix: I was just coming out of a band project and wanted to release an album quickly and perform everything myself. So a lot was improvised, tracks reacting to other tracks, that sort of thing, very organic. The titles reference Ursula K. Leguin’s The Lathe of Heaven.

DMR: You have been doing music for a long time. What changes have you witnessed that affected your musical career?

Deckard Croix: The only real change that has affected my work approach at least is converting from analog to digital. Other than that, every project presents a new combination of challenges so change is a recurring thing.

DMR: What are your thoughts on the modern music industry?

Deckard Croix: I’m rather disillusioned by it honestly. Streaming services overtook physical sales years ago, and that used to be rather lucrative. Of course there are some advantages as well but it really comes down to availability and if the listener can listen for free why buy the music?

DMR: Since your knack for music developed early, who helped you the most to pursue your passion?

Deckard Croix: It was mostly listening to records very young, different family members having diverse tastes, and the idea of discovering something  new. The craft behind the art is always inspiring.

DMR: As a versatile music artist, what do you enjoy doing the most? Is it the music or singing?

Deckard Croix: I sort of fell into singing. Music feels more intuitive; composing, lyricism.

DMR: How would you like to define your music style and genre?

Deckard Croix: There’s always a layer of experimentation to be sure. Psychedelic in terms of presentation, juxtaposing varying rhythms and dissonance with melody. Guitar-driven often, and I tend to blend live drums with loops and programming which gives the rhythm a certain sound.

DMR: What were your experiences of working with different artists in collaborative projects?

Deckard Croix: There’s always a give and take involved with successful collaborations, but it varies a great deal on an individual level because people vary. Some good collabs, some labouriously so.

DMR: You have done music for films too. Was the experience any different?

Deckard Croix: It’s quite different, but not much from a spoken word project where essentially the music is guided by the story.

DMR: Whose name comes to your mind when you hear dream collaboration?

Deckard Croix: Nick Cave!

DMR: What tips would you offer to the rising artists in the industry?

Deckard Croix: I don’t think I’m qualified to answer that.

DMR: Please shed some light on your upcoming music projects.

Deckard Croix: I’m still in the throes of reissuing and unearthing older projects, but there will be an album released next year of new material I’ve been working on recently. And, as always, new spoken word/ambient releases such as a story by Dostoevsky and another ambient album titled L’heureVerte.

DMR: Would you like to say something for fans and other listeners?

Deckard Croix: Thank you for your support and I hope you find something challenging in the music.

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